PC Games 2022 – Michmutters

Why Final Fantasy VII Remake’s VR mod is a ‘bad idea’ for gamers with motion sickness

Thanks to a modder, Final Fantasy VII Remake players now have access to a VR mod called the “ultimate VR legs test.” The creator of the mod, Luke Ross, previously worked on GTA 5 and Red Dead Redemption 2 VR mods, though Take-Two did not appreciate the gamer’s work and sent a DMCA notice.

While it can be an immersive way to experience Cloud Strife’s adventure, is this really such a good idea? VR motion sickness is incredibly discomforting, and even people who think they won’t be affected can wind up being miserable as a result of this particular mod.

This isn’t to say that the mod is terrible or that it’s a bad idea, not at all. It is, however, going to potentially be nausea-inducing for many gamers.


Final Fantasy VII Remake’s VR mod is an interesting but potentially nauseating idea

The notion of action RPGs set in VR is an interesting one, at the very least. It’s a way to dive deep into a game like Final Fantasy VII Remake in a way that no other experience can match.

People experienced with VR may not have issues with this particular mod, but anyone who experiences remote motion sickness will want to be aware of what they could be getting into. Several videos are available on YouTube showing the Final Fantasy VII Remake in VR, filled with constant shaky camera motions.

The writer of this piece watched several but could not get through them. The constant motion, combined with the combat and cutscenes, was nearly unbearable. A word of caution came from Luke Ross, the creator of the VR mod.


He warned that it would “hit you with the force of a speeding steel train.” Even experienced VR gamers might have some issues playing it, but that’s not guaranteed. It’s incredibly immersive to walk into the Reactor areas and be able to look up at the skyline and see the world.

Combat was already fast and furious in Final Fantasy VII Remake, but in VR, it’s going to be multiplied by a fairly serious amount. The creator of the VR mod even talked about it briefly in a post online.

“Sooo…Tifa! And cities in the sky! And combat where the camera moves so fast that it feels like you’re riding the Formula Rossa!! What’s not to like?

It’s not just combat that would be difficult to watch either. The various driving cutscenes and events would be potentially very nauseating to endure. There’s the motorcycle stage and any cutscene that involves flipping, jumping, or quick combat.

The cutscenes and fights involving Tifa and Barret while beneath Midgar could be a horrifying experience. All that jumping, leaping, and dodging while in VR, in addition to the shaky cam from the VR headset? The writer of this piece had to take breaks when watching video clips from other YouTubers.

The wild, savage way that Cloud swings the Buster Sword when combined with constant camera motions can be incredibly taxing to watch, and gamers with motion sickness in or outside of Virtual Reality should definitely be careful before considering this particular mod for their PC version of Final Fantasy VII Remake.



League of Legends patch 12.15 is combating smurfs with the new ranked Duo queue changes

League of Legends patch 12.15 dropped yesterday, and a new set of changes have implemented a system that will work towards significantly reducing the number of smurfs in the game.

Like most competitive multiplayer games, the MOBA also sees its fair share of smurfs in ranked matchmaking, which ultimately hampers the game’s competitive integrity.

🛠 Patch 12.15 Notes 🛠⚡️ Energy based champions get a boost 🔧 Fine tuning Mastery Yi and Sivir 💪 Buffing up some engage supports⬇️ Nerfing Divine Sunderer and First Strike

High-rank players often do not shy away from making a smurf account to either help out a friend or just ruin the fun for another who has taken their ranked climb seriously.

This issue has been plaguing League of Legends for many seasons now, and with patch 12.15, Riot has implemented a solution that will look to combat a fair bit of the issue.

The developers have addressed the growing concerns with smurfs earlier on in Season 12, and with the new update, they will eliminate the ranked Duo queue for high-level players and primarily make it a Solo-queue only option.

League of Legends patch 12.15 will reduce the number of smurfs in the game


League of Legends patch 12.15 wasn’t exactly a big one when it came to introduce champion balance updates. While one of the more significant changes was buffs to the energy champions, the patch, to an extent, dealt with fixing some of the issues with the title.

Riot introduced changes to the Duo queue system, which will now not let high-ranked players employ the system.

In the patch notes, the developers stated:

“Having a premade duo is a slight advantage, and while current Apex Tier (Masters, Grandmaster, and Challenger) players aren’t able to duo with anyone, the system only works off current rank. With this change, we’re tightening up the Apex Tier restriction to apply to MMR as well.”

“The goal of this is to prevent climbing smurfs from being able to duo queue into Apex Tier. That said, decayed Apex Tier players and the highest skilled Diamond I players may also be impacted by this change. Up until now these players could duo and reliably get into Apex Tier games, which isn’t fair when the people they’re playing against can’t duo. If this change works as expected, we’ll evaluate shipping it to the rest of the world with plans to re-evaluate before Season Start.”


From now on, League of Legends players will no longer be able to queue up for a ranked game with a friend if they are both of the Master rank or higher. The system will not take MMR into consideration and will ultimately look to reduce the number of smurfs that one gets to experience in ranked matchmaking today.

Riot Games have also mentioned that they have successfully tested this method back in patch 12.10 for both the Korea and NA servers, hence, with 12.15, they have officially made it live for all regions.



League of Legends player discovers fake Q animation for Space Groove Blitzcrank, calls it “pay-to-win abuse”

League of Legends might be having a bit of an issue with its competitive health as a player seems to have discovered a game-breaking exploit on one of Blitzcrank’s skins.

The cosmetic in question is the Space Groove skin. A Blitzcrank player has found an exploit where it has a fake Q animation, and opponents seem to be getting “juked” because of it.

Blitzcrank’s Q is one of the most powerful support abilities in the game, and grabbing the intended champion with it can easily turn the tides in his favor.

The ability also grants him a fair bit of lane presence and pressure. Hence, during the early stages of the game, players are quite weary of the grab and seek to avoid it at all costs.

However, as seen in a recent Reddit post, the Space Groove Blitzcrank seems to have a game-breaking exploit. The player is able to fake the animation with it, making the opponent juke the ability and waste resources like mana and Flash in the process.

Is Space Groove Blitzcrank a “pay-to-win” cosmetic in League of Legends?


Over the years, the League of Legends community has found many cosmetic exploits that made this particular skin have a “pay-to-win” gimmick built into it, even though it was not something Riot Games intended.

One such notorious skin was another Blitzcrank cosmetic called iBlitz, whose Q grab animation was visually one of the hardest to deal with.

In the case of Space Groove, however, the player was able to fake the animation start-up itself by using the Ctrl-4 hotkey to perform the action. The animation showed him stretching his left hand, while the Q ability made him stretch his right.

To a player who is unaware, the fake would look like Blitzcrank is actually going to use the grab ability, making them juke it as soon as they see the animation begin.


In the Reddit upload, one can clearly see how the Blitzcrank player was able to get a flash out of the enemy Ezreal by continuously faking the Q animation.

Many in the post have called out Riot Games, telling them that players’ ability to exploit the Space Groove skin like this hampers the competitive integrity of the game.

Animation fakes should not be allowed in a title like League of Legends, and it seems the exploit just makes the skin a “pay-to-win” cosmetic. Hopefully, Riot Games will be looking to add a fix to this issue in future updates.

Edited by Rachel Syiemlieh
