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How to get Cured Armu Sirloin in Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Cooking is one of many mechanics in Xenoblade Chronicles 3, and players can collect various food items for their recipes as they move along on their journey. One such item is Cured Armu Sirloin, which can be found from Armu, the female counterparts of the Ardun.


Cured Armu Sirloin should be fairly easy to procure in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. However, some players may not have paid much attention to cooking in the past and may be looking to catch up and find the food items for themselves. Below, players can find a quick guide to procuring Cured Armu Sirloin for their cooking needs.

Collecting Cured Armu Sirloin in Xenoblade Chronicles 3

The Llyn Nyddwr Camp is a great place to hunt Armu in Xenoblade Chronicles 3 (Image via Nintendo)
The Llyn Nyddwr Camp is a great place to hunt Armu in Xenoblade Chronicles 3 (Image via Nintendo)

Before Xenoblade Chronicles 3 players can harvest meat from Armu, they’ll need to ensure that they’ve reached the second chapter of the story. This will unlock the Fornis Region, which comes complete with various areas where different creatures roam. One such area, Ribbi Flats, is a perfect location to hunt down Armu for their cured meat.

Finding and collecting Cured Armu Sirloin

  1. For quick access to Armu, head to the Llyn Nyddwr rest camp in the Fornis Region. Right around the area, players should find a large number of Armu roaming the locale along with other creatures.
  2. Players can recognize the Armu by their distinct lack of horns compared to the Ardun. Their heads are more platelike in appearance, and they are also smaller in size compared to their male counterparts.
  3. Kill the Armu. These enemies are particularly low level (level 18), so they shouldn’t be tough to take down and should drop fairly quickly. Since Cured Armu Sirloin is a common drop, most Armu players kill should drop the food item.
  4. Once the Armu in the area have been cleared out, players can use their fast travel to return to the campfire at Llyn Nyddwr. Doing so will refresh the local wildlife, allowing Xenoblade Chronicles 3 players to continue farming the Armu as much as they need until they have all the sirloin they can carry.

In addition to being used in cooking, Cured Armu Sirloin is also quite handy with regard to Collectopaedia Cards. If players have some left over after their farming excursion, they may want to save the cured sirloin for the Collectopaedia. Otherwise, players can also always return to the Fornis Region and take down the Armu for additional sirloins if necessary. As long as players refresh the area with fast travel, they’ll never run out of Armu to defeat and loot.

It’s also important to note that many other food drops in-game can be given a very similar treatment. Simply clear out an area of ​​a certain enemy, collect their drops, then fast travel back to the nearest rest point to respawn the creatures. It then simply becomes a process of lather, rinse, and repeat until players have the items they require.

Edited by Siddharth Satish



Hold a Charge SMG at max for 3 seconds, then damage an opponent

One of the newest Fortnite challenges requires players to hold a Charge SMG at max for 3 seconds and then damage an opponent. Completing this challenge can be quite difficult, especially for new players, which is why we will explain how to do it without much difficulty.

This submachine gun is one of the newest weapons in the game as it was introduced with one of the latest Chapter 3 Season 3 patches. Due to this, many players are not yet familiar with the weapon’s mechanics.

Even though it’s confusing to learn, players who master the Charge SMG can easily win Fortnite games. The truth is that the weapon is lethal in the right hands, and Epic Games has most likely released a new challenge in an attempt to get players to use it more.

If readers are unsure how to hold a Charge SMG at max for 3 seconds and later damage an opponent, this article will help them with it.

New Fortnite challenge requires players to hold a Charge SMG at max for 3 seconds, then damage an opponent

The Charge SMG was released to Fortnite as part of the v21.20 update on July 6, 2022. Although the weapon has been in the game for almost a month, many players still haven’t learned how to use it properly.

To hold a Charge SMG at max for 3 seconds and then damage an opponent, you will have to pick up the weapon first, obviously. Fortunately, it is very common and can be found in many loot sources, including chests and supply drops.


Once you have the weapon in your inventory, you will have to hold down the fire button for six seconds in total before hitting an enemy with it. The submachine gun needs to be charged for three seconds to reach its maximum, but the challenge requires it to be held for an additional three seconds.

It is important to note that charging up this weapon slows you down and players cannot sprint with it, which is why it’s recommended that you charge it up while near an enemy.

The SMG is one of the deadliest weapons in Fortnite and its Mythic variant deals more than 336 damage per second, a truly incredible amount.

The easiest methods of completing the new challenge

If players are struggling to complete this challenge in regular game modes, they can also opt to play the Team Rumble mode and complete the challenge there.

Team Rumble is convenient for completing challenges as it has a lot of casual players and also features respawns, making the game significantly easier. This means that even when you die, you will get another shot at completing any required challenges.

Another useful method players can use to complete challenges is by joining Fortnite bot lobbies. To join these lobbies, you will have to create a new account and join it for a Duo match. Fortunately, completing challenges against 98 computer-controlled bots is extremely easy, but it takes a while to properly set up. However, it’s definitely worth it.

Considering that this is a new weekly challenge, you will receive 15,000 XP upon its completion.



Fortnite XP glitch allows players to level up rapidly

Fortnite XP glitches offer a quick and easy way to level up the Battle Pass. They allow players to gain a lot of XP by simply joining the Creative mode and performing a few actions.

The best thing about these bugs is that players can gain XP passively. After joining the map and interacting with a few objects, they can simply leave the game on and gain thousands of XP without doing anything.

In this article, we will reveal the latest Fortnite XP glitch, how to perform it and how much XP you can gain from it. Please keep in mind that using glitches can get your account suspended by Epic Games, so use them at your own risk.

Fortnite XP glitch allows a great way to passively earn XP

Popular YouTuber GKK recently released another video that reveals a new Fortnite XP glitch.The content creator is well known for posting various bugs in the popular video game, from XP-boosting variants to game-breaking ones.

To use the latest XP glitch, you will have to enter the Creative mode and enter this map code: 7018-7683-0020. When joining the map, you will have to wait 10 minutes before using any XP buttons, so please be patient.

After 10 minutes have passed, you need to interact with the green button that is found inside the tree in the northwest corner of the map. When you interact with it, you will be teleported to a new area called the XP Shop. In this area, you will have to interact with another green button. It is labeled AFK XP button and is found in the room with tomato heads.

Right after interacting with the AFK XP button, you need to interact with the big button in the middle that will teleport you back to the main area.

This time, don’t go inside the tree, but rather behind it. When you get there, you will see a wink sign in the corner; this is where you need to use any emote from your inventory. Once done, you will be able to interact with the invisible button that will teleport you to another secret area.

This area is where you will finally start getting benefits from the Fortnite XP glitch. It has two invisible buttons, in two opposite corners of the room, that reward players with a lot of XP.

The gains vary from one player to another. Some have reported gaining thousands of XP per minute, while some acquire just a few hundred or thousand. Either way, this is a great way to passively level up the Battle Pass.

Does Epic Games ban players for using Fortnite XP glitches?

Using glitches is against the game’s Terms and Conditions. However, Epic Games doesn’t usually ban players who use Fortnite XP glitches. Despite this, it’s important to mention that there is still a risk of going after them.

If you do intend to use the Fortnite XP glitch, it should be kept as a secondary method of leveling up at best. Your primary method should always be playing matches, either in Creative or Battle Royale game mode.

By playing matches and actively earning XP, you might not have to worry about having your account banned or suspended.



How Do You Feel About Wave 2 Of The Mario Kart 8 Booster Course Pack?

Unnamed (41)

The second wave of the new Booster Course tracks for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe will be here next week, and we’re feeling hyped to try out some new races (and a little disappointed that some of them look more like Mario Kart Tour tracks than Mario Kart 8 tracks).

In the spirit of hype, we’re trying to gauge how people are feeling about this new wave, and the DLC in general. Is it everything you’d hoped for? A cool bonus to the Nintendo Switch Online subscription? A bit disappointing? Or are you just totally bummed that Nintendo is pumping time and money into an old Mario Kart game instead of something else — like a new Mario Kart game?

Use these polls to tell us how you really feel!

That’s all the questions we could think of… but tell us your overall thoughts on this latest wave of new tracks in the comments below!
