electricity prices – Michmutters

Simple way to fix Australia’s east coast energy crisis

Slowly but surely, the story of the greatest rip-off in Aussie history is coming out. It’s not a great train robbery. Not a Sydney wealth management fraud. It is an investment boom that miraculously turned east Australian resources bounty into a pair of concrete boots for the broader economy.

This is the sorry tale of how foreign cartels stole Australian gas reserves and fed them to China while the local economy was starved of it.

It began during the GFC-period when advances in unconventional gas extraction (fracking, shale, coal seam etc) made huge reserves in Queensland viable for extraction. Three conglomerates of largely multinational firms built infrastructure systems across the east of the state to extract, pipe and freeze that gas for export.

They spent some $80 billion doing so, in a mad race that duplicated everything, over-invested in production and crashed the global gas price, forcing them to write off tens of billions on their investment.

Meanwhile, in poor little Australia, which actually owned the gas, the moment the export trains opened the price began to rise because there was not enough left over for locals.

The price rose from $4Gj relentlessly until we were paying $20Gj in 2017 – more for our own gas than our Asian customers.

Worse, because gas sets the marginal cost of electricity on the east coast, whenever its cost rises, power prices go mad as well, hugely multiplying the negative impacts on the economy.

The Turnbull government recognized the folly of this in 2017 and installed the Australian Domestic Gas Security Mechanism (ADGSM). That crashed the gas price back under $10Gj, though it remained much higher than it had been traditionally.

But that was not the end of it. Whenever there has been cold weather, or coal or other outages in the power market, or international shortages, the gas cartel has popped up again to squeeze local prices higher.

This serial debacle most recently came to a head with the war in Ukraine and Russian sanctions which have left the world short of gas and Australian prices have gone to as high as $65Gj, the market has been suspended and electricity prices have been driven up by 600 per cent to boot.

This is a $50 billion gouge by the energy cartels that are effectively war-profiteering at every Australian’s expense. Soon, these price rises will deliver an extra 6 per cent CPI inflation, ensuring the RBA has to drive interest rates higher than many households can bear.

And for what? The gas cartel will not invest anymore. There’ll be no jobs created. Governments will receive no tax dividend owing to broken laws and the massive writedowns on the projects.

Indeed, this episode will be recounted by economic historians as the worst case of the “resources curse” ever. (It’s sometimes called Dutch Disease after the Netherlands’ broader economy suffered in the ’70s with the development of North Sea oil resources that lifted its currency and falling competitiveness hollowed out the industry.)

If Dutch Disease is a national cold, then Australian Disease is like an inoperable brain tumour. It has allowed miners to steal the resource, pay no tax, force scarcity pricing on the extractive nation, and raise the currency. All of which have already decimated industry, hobbled national income, and will soon begin to deflate household wealth as well.

how to fix it

The new Labor Government has been forced to confront this reality to some extent. Untenable energy prices have triggered a review of the Turnbull domestic reservation mechanism. This is all to the good, but what should it look like?

First, the reformed ADGSM must include a price trigger. As it stands, it is a volume measure that is too unwieldy to be effective. The ADGSM should automatically divert gas from export the moment the price goes over $7Gj. This is plenty high enough for the gas cartel to make money out of it. The reserves are quite cheap and since they’ve written off so much investment, the gas has become even cheaper on a cash basis.

The new ADGSM should apply to all three conglomerates. Although it is the Santos-led GLNG that has come to be most short of gas and openly lied about it, all three joint ventures knew what they were doing when they overinvested to leave Australia short of gas. Besides, as Bass Strait gas bleeds out, the shortage will only get worse and the future will require as much as 15 per cent of the gas currently exported to remain at home. That’s a burden best shared by all three projects.

A second option is to use export levies. If we set a baseline for profits at pre-Ukraine war prices around $7Gj, then levy the gas cartel for every export dollar above that price, then the local price of gas would collapse and Australians collect the war windfall instead of firms that have no right to it.

Third, we could install a super-profits tax on the cartel and recycle that revenue as energy subsidies for everybody else. That is a pretty clunky solution but it delivers the same end.

With any and all of these solutions, the cartel will scream “sovereign risk”. But so what? It was its mistakes that created this untenable situation. Australians should not have to pay for them.

Moreover, export gas contracts are renegotiated all the time. Just a few weeks ago, one member of the gas cartel, Shell, declared force majeur (that is undelivered but contracted gas) over something as trivial as a maritime labor dispute.

The larger truth is that the cartel is a risk to the sovereign and everyone within it.

Read related topics:Cost Of Living



Regional towns look to community batteries as renewable energy solution

Small regional communities are working to secure their own energy futures amid electricity price rises and widespread fears of blackouts.

A new report from the Australian Energy Market Operator shows electricity prices rose to their highest levels on record in the three months to June 30, leading to increasing energy bills across the east coast.

Communities like Ballan, 80 kilometers north-west of Melbourne, are driving their own renewable energy projects as they seek reliability, lower costs, and reduced environmental impact.

The volunteer-run Moorabool Environment Group is working with residents on the first steps of a project to bring a community battery to the town of almost 3,400 people.

Sunflowers in front of a rooftop with solar panels.
Rose De la Cruz has solar panels on her home in Ballan and would like to link to a community battery.(Supplied: Rose De la Cruz)

Resident and group member Rose De la Cruz said Ballan was a “good candidate” for the technology.

“We do suffer from power outages quite a lot here and we have a growing lot of residential houses with solar on their roofs,” she said.

“At the moment everybody is talking about the cost of electricity, so people are interested in anything that will bring down the cost.”

The basic concept was for households and organizations with rooftop solar to feed into a shared battery and draw out electricity when needed.

Indigo Power director Ben McGowan stands next to a large square, a community battery.
Ben McGowan inspects a mid-sized battery at Yackandandah.(ABC News: Emilia Terzon)

Increasing take-up

Community batteries are becoming an increasingly popular option for regional communities.

The first community battery in Yackandandah, a small tourist town in north-east Victoria, was launched in July 2021 after two years of planning and fundraising.

The 274-kilowatt-hour battery that supplies electricity to 40 homes from solar panels on the roof of an old sawmill is part of a bigger mission to have the entire town powered by renewable energy.

It also serves as a backup power supply.

Residents in the western Victorian town of Pomonal, on the edge of the power grid, are also looking for solutions to eliminate blackout concerns.

Pomonal Power People member Dee-Ann Kelly said more people had become interested in the idea of ​​a community battery.

A group of people sit on chairs in a community hall.
Grampians Community Power Hub hosted a community meeting at Pomonal.(Supplied)

“I am interested in the idea that not everyone needs to have solar,” she said.

“Down the track I am willing to do get solar, but for now I want to be able to utilize where we have got solar and where we may have solar in the future.”

She said the project was also about supporting people who did not have the ability to put solar panels on their properties.

“We have talked about not leaving people behind,” she said.

The town is part of a community battery feasibility study and is waiting for a report before deciding on the next steps.

Ms Kelly said sustaining interest and driving the project could be a challenge, given it could take many years and was not an “overnight solution”.

A Tesla battery standing on a streetside kerb.
A community battery in Meadow Springs, Western Australia, is accessed by 52 homes.(Supplied: Western Power)

But she said she was confident the community’s desire for power reliability during disasters, such as bushfires, and broad focus on sustainability would drive continued support.

“We live in the beautiful Grampians and have nature all around us. This is what drives people to want to have a future and be involved in making really important decisions,” she said.

clean energy future

Australia Institute energy advisor Dan Cass said Australia had been over-reliant on “risky and expensive” coal and “increasingly expensive” gas.

Mr Cass said the community battery model would be part of the move to build clean energy resources quickly to avoid another energy crisis.

Aerial shot of a community battery in parkland near a suburb
A community battery in the Perth suburb of Port Kennedy.(Supplied: Western Power)

He said the Australian Energy Market Operator modeling showed a need to build thousands of gigawatts worth of battery storage over the next several years.

“We need a lot more batteries on the grid and we need them urgently,” he said.

“The question is who owns the batteries and what is the scale at which they are built?”

Mr Cass said it was likely large batteries, mid-scale community batteries, and small household batteries would be part of the solution.

“I think we will find eventually every freestanding roof in the country will be able to have solar panels and in some cases that will be backed up by batteries,” he said.

“It will give enormous power and control back to energy consumers and communities as well as being more resilient and zero emissions.

“Australia is in a great position … it is just a matter of planning this out well and this will be the last energy crisis Australia will ever need to face.”
