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US writer Sally Hoedel claims Elvis died young because of incestuous relatives

A writer has claimed Elvis Presley’s tragic death at the age of 42 was not caused by self-destruction and drug abuse but was instead a tragic inevitability spurred by bad genes in the singer’s family tree.

Myths and misconceptions have continued to swirl around Elvis’ death in the 45 years since the legendary performer was found unresponsive in the bathroom of his Graceland mansion on August 16, 1977, reported The US Sun.

His official cause of death was ruled a heart attack, a tragic fate that has long been attributed to The King’s excessive indulgence in prescription drugs and unhealthy foods.

Those attributions can be traced back to news coverage from the time, with reports painting the star as a bloated, forlorn drug addict — a rock’n’roll cliche who popped one too many pills and died long before his time.

But for author and lifelong fan Sally Hoedel, the cause of Elvis’ premature demise is not so clear-cut.

Hoedel claimed that Elvis was always destined to die young. She attributed this to her belief that he may have had a series of defective genes possibly passed down to him by his maternal grandparents, Bob Smith and Doll Mansell, who were his first cousins.

Hoedel argued that those alleged faulty genes were aggravating factors behind his various health issues, which he in turn treated with a cocktail of prescription drugs.

“That first cousin marriage obviously causes a lot of issues,” Hoedel theorized to The US Sun in a phone interview from her home in Michigan.

“Elvis’ mum Gladys died very young at 46 and she had three brothers who all died at similar ages from heart and lung-related issues. So it stops being a coincidence by the time it gets to Elvis,” she claimed, “because there’s so much going on in that family tree.”

For her book, Elvis: Destined to Die YoungHoedel researched the medical history of the Presley family and unearthed never-before-reported information.

His interest in the topic was piqued after noticing a series of similarities in the deaths of Elvis and his much-beloved mother Gladys, who died almost exactly 19 years before him on August 14, 1958.

Gladys, like her superstar son, died of heart failure. She was 46, just four years older than Elvis when he passed away.

Additionally, both Elvis and Gladys suffered a “similar four-year period of degenerative health” in the lead-up to their deaths, according to Hoedel, “which is interesting because they weren’t taking the same kinds of medication.”

Research conducted by Hoedel found that Gladys had been seeing a cardiologist since at least 1956, and was also hospitalized for two weeks that same year with a mystery illness.

Shortly before her death, Gladys was also diagnosed with hepatitis, the origins of which baffled her doctors at the time. The condition, which targets the lungs and liver, was thought to have been related to Gladys’ alcoholism.

Born and raised in extreme poverty in the deep south, Gladys’ struggles to cope with her son’s meteoric ascension to fame and fortune are well documented, with the self-described “most miserable woman in the world” reportedly once telling a friend over the phone , “I wish we were poor again, I really do.”

Growing increasingly isolated and depressed as Elvis became a global sensation, Gladys began drinking excessively and taking diet pills – a downward spiral that many believe led to her hepatitis diagnosis and ultimately contributed to her death.

Gladys fell seriously ill just a few months after Elvis enlisted in the US Army. The timing of her downturn in her health spurred theories that Gladys drank herself to death, wracked with worry and suffering from a broken heart while her son was serving overseas in Germany.

Hoedel believes that narrative is baseless “romanticism.”

“Gladys has always been painted as this woman whose son became famous, bought her a big house and she just struggled to deal with it all and essentially died of a broken heart,” the author and historian contended.

“But that’s not how it works. I think Elvis and Vernon [Elvis’ dad] both knew who knew how sick she was before he left for the army.

“They were all so sad because I believe for sure that they knew they didn’t have a lot of time left with her.”

Hoedel argued – like Elvis – the causes of Gladys’ death and ill-health lie further up the family tree.

“The Presleys were incredibly secretive about their health,” Hoedel said, “but I managed to interview people like Nancy Clarke, the daughter of Gladys’ cardiologist, who used to go on house calls with her dad to the Presley home.

“And she told me before her dad passed away, he said there was more to Gladys’ death than what he understood because he’s long been quoted as saying it looked like hepatitis, but it wasn’t, and he couldn’t work out what was wrong with her.”

Hoedel believed that Gladys was actually suffering from Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, an inherited and rarely diagnosed disorder that can cause lung and liver disease.

“We know Elvis had it because he was found to be a carrier for Alpha-1 after his death, so it had to come from somewhere” she added.

“And it all leads back to Gladys’ parents,” she claimed.

In her book, Hoedel examined the health issues of Elvis’ grandmother, Doll Smith, who is believed to have suffered from Tuberculosis for more than 30 years.

“Again, something that doesn’t make sense, but continued to be passed down the family tree and then throughout recorded Elvis history as well,” Hoedel argued. “This book explains how Tuberculosis was most certainly a misdiagnosis in the early 1900s.

“From there, with the first-cousin marriage, Gladys [may have] inherited two damaged genes and a more serious version of the disease.”

All of Gladys’ brothers died of heart and liver-related issues in their forties and early fifties too.

Faulty and defective genes were also passed down to Elvis, Hoedel suggested.

The legendary crooner was suffering from diseases in nine of the 11 bodily systems, including his heart, his lungs, and his bowels. It was Hoedel’s contention that five of those disease processes were present from birth. Hoedel believed Elvis was a man who struggled every day to survive.

His prescription drug problem, she theorized, may have been the result of Elvis and his infamous physician, George “Nick” Nichopolous, attempting to treat his various congenital illnesses, rather than just mindless overconsumption.

“Elvis had various health issues but he hid them so well that the over-medication is what we remember now,” Hoedel claimed.

“He often took too much, and there are issues there, but you have to ask why he was taking those pills in the first place.

“One of the reasons Elvis turned to the medication was pain, he was also a lifelong insomniac, but the reason he was self-medicating was that he was trying to find a way to be Elvis Presley.”

The more he toured, the more medication he would need to function through his various ailments, Hoedel suggested.

But Elvis – a devoted son, husband, father, and friend – couldn’t simply stop performing. He had more than 100 people on his payroll from him, relying on him to keep bringing the money in to keep them all afloat.

Memphis Mafia member Lamar Fike told Hoedel he begged Elvis to quit touring after the singer complained of fatigue and pain.

“I have to make payroll,” The King replied.

Speaking of the eleven electric performer’s ailing health during his final years, Elvis’ bodyguard Ed Parker described him as a “battery that had been drained too many times.”

“His body could no longer hold a charge,” Parker said.

Still, on Elvis soldiered, until his life came to an abrupt end on August 16, 1977.

Ultimately, as her book title suggests, Hoedel argued that Elvis was always destined to die young, and nothing could’ve saved The King of Rock ‘n’ Roll from the unfavorable genetic hand she believed he was dealt with.

For the author, examining Elvis’ supposedly faulty genetic make-up was an effort to re-humanize the mythical figure of Presley, who she feels in the years since his death has been reduced to a rock star cliche who simply died alone on the bathroom floor.

“There are so many myths and misconceptions about how Elvis lived, not just in how he died, and it isn’t fair on Elvis,” Hoedel said.

“I think Elvis is the greatest victim of sensationalism and romanticism, and both have kind of plagued and haunted his legacy and prevented him from being remembered as the incredibly important historical figure he is.

“Elvis shifted our universe culturally like no one has before and he deserves to be treated like a Henry Ford or Thomas Edison of pop culture.

“But the sex drugs and rock’n’roll narrative has held him back – he’s a bigger place in American history.”

This article was originally published on The Sun and was reproduced here with permission



Oil giant Saudi Aramco: Company makes $700 million in profit every single day

Oil giant Saudi Aramco made an astonishing $700 million in profit every single day, the biggest quarterly profit of any publicly listed company in history.

The Saudi Arabian petroleum and gas company reported an eye-watering $68 billion (US$48.4 billion) of profit in the second quarter of 2022.

Its earnings were boosted by surging demand as Covid-19 restrictions were dropped around the world — and pushed even higher by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Net income leapt 90 per cent year-on-year for the world’s biggest oil producer, which clocked its second straight quarterly record after announcing $55.46 billion (US$39.5 billion) for Q1.

Aramco’s massive Q2 windfall was the biggest quarterly adjusted profit of any listed company worldwide, according to Bloomberg.

The state-owned Saudi firm heads a list of oil majors raking in massive sums after ExxonMobil, Chevron, Shell, TotalEnergies and Eni also revealed multi-billion-dollar profits in Q2.

US President Joe Biden blasted ExxonMobil earlier this year as inflation surged, stating it made “more money than God”.

And the future looks bright for Saudi Aramco.

“While global market volatility and economic uncertainty remain, events during the first half of this year support our view that ongoing investment in our industry is essential,” Aramco president and CEO Amin Nasser said.

“In fact, we expect oil demand to continue to grow for the rest of the decade,” he added.

Net income rose 22.7 per cent from Q1 in “strong market conditions”, Aramco said.

Half-year profits were $123.41 billion (US$87.9 billion), up from $66.27 billion (US$47.2 billion) for the same period of 2021.

Aramco will pay a $26.39 billion (US$18.8 billion) dividend in Q3, the same as it paid in Q2.

It “continues to work on increasing crude oil maximum sustainable capacity from 12 million barrels per day to 13 million by 2027”, its earnings announcement said.

The quarterly profits, the highest since Aramco’s record-breaking IPO in 2019, beat a company-compiled analyst forecast of $64.86 billion (US$46.2 billion).

Aramco shares closed down 0.9 per cent at 40.5 riyals ($15.16) on the Saudi stock exchange. They are up 25 per cent this year.


Aramco floated 1.7 per cent of its shares on the Saudi bourse in December 2019, generating $41.28 billion (US$29.4 billion) in the world’s biggest initial public offering.

The “crown jewel” and leading source of income for the conservative kingdom temporarily supplanted Apple as the world’s most valuable company in March. It now lies second in the list with a market valuation of $3.37 trillion (US$2.4 trillion).

Saudi Arabia has sought to open up and diversify its oil-reliant economy, especially since Mohammed bin Salman’s appointment as crown prince and de facto ruler in 2017.

Despite raising production, Aramco has pledged to reach “operational net zero (carbon) emissions” by 2050. Carbon pollution is tallied in the country that uses the fuel, not where it is produced.

Saudi GDP jumped nearly 12 per cent in Q2 on the back of high oil prices, the government announced last month.

Abu Dhabi-based energy expert Ibrahim Elghitany said the oil bonanza was a “golden opportunity” for the country.

“Saudi Arabia has recently achieved financial surpluses that it did not achieve during the last decade, which helps to provide financing for its development projects,” Elghitany told AFP.

Nasser said Aramco recovered quickly from a series of attacks by Yemen’s Huthi rebels on its facilities earlier this year, including a dramatic strike in Jeddah that sent smoke billowing during a Formula One practice session in March.

“We were able to restore our production in all these facilities immediately. In a few weeks, all facilities were working and producing at full capacity,” he told a media conference call.

Oil prices have dropped by $42 per barrel from a peak in June due to growing supplies, but remain close to $140 (US$100).

The OPEC group of oil-producing countries has been gradually raising production, despite pressure from Western leaders including US President Joe Biden — who visited Saudi Arabia last month — to pump more.

Biden’s trip was seen as a climb-down after he previously promised to make Saudi Arabia a “pariah” over the killing of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi by Saudi agents in Turkey in 2018.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has also visited Saudi Arabia since the Russian invasion in February.

High oil prices are contributing to the inflationary pain suffered by consumers worldwide.

– with Andrew Backhouse, AFP



Kyle Sandilands reveals he’s returning as Australian Idol judge

Kyle Sandilands has confirmed rumors he’ll be reprising his role as a judge on the returning season of Australian Idol.

The 51-year-old shock jock made the announcement on the Kyle and Jackie O Show on Monday morning, despite getting a text from an unknown figure saying, “Don’t officially announce that you’re on it.”

The new father, who welcomed his first child Otto with fiance Tegan Kynaston last week, revealed he’s set to be the first judge attached to the show – which has been off-air for more than a decade and is finally returning to screens on Channel 7 in 2023.

And true to form, Sandilands said he only agreed to the gig if Seven bosses delivered his contract personally so he could sign the papers live on-air.

“I think this week they’re bringing the contract, I said I’ll only sign it on the radio show, so all the big head honchos have to march into the studio with the contract. I’ll sign it live on-air,” Sandilands said.

Sandilands also claimed he was heavily involved in recruitment for his three co-judges, while he ruled out Osher Gunsberg’s return as host due to his multiple Channel 10 hosting duties.

“They can’t sign on someone else unless I sign off on it… I’m not going to be doing the show with a bunch of knobs,” Sandilands said.

“I’ve got a long list of knobs I won’t work with. I’d like at least one other Australian, and I would love a big name US and a big name UK, but it all depends, everyone’s touring around … But there’s a lot of big stars interested.”

When pressed by Jackie whether any of the original judges would be returning, including Marsha Hines, Ian Dickson and Mark Holden, Sandilands said, “No, none of them.”

“I’m the only one who’s still alive, I feel the others have all passed away… I mean alive on TV,” he clarified.

Sandilands said the show would follow a similar format, which would see contestants audition around Australia before a top 12 is chosen for live shows.

As for whether he would soften his infamous brutal honesty, Sandilands said he’d be sticking to what he knows.

“I like The Voicebut I won’t be one of them wishy washedy Voice judges that say, ‘No matter how disgusting you are to look at, you’ve got a great voice.’

“I’m not interested in that sh*t. I can only be myself.”

At this point, Sandilands got a text advising him not to officially announce his role.

“Yeah, okay. Well, I haven’t signed on yet but I’ve verbally agreed,” he added.

australian idol aired for seven seasons on Channel 10 from 2003 until 2009, and made big stars of contestants including Guy Sebastian, Jessica Mauboy and Casey Donovan.

In 2020, the Seven Network announced at their annual upfronts that they would be reviving the series.



St. Jude Championship live leaderboard, scores, Cameron Smith penalty, reaction, rules, explanation

Australian Cameron Smith was penalized two strokes by US PGA Tour officials, dimming his chances of a victory at the St. Jude Championship to become world number one and putting a dent in his campaign to take out the $25m FedEx Cup playoffs.

World number two Smith started the final round in Memphis, Tennessee, four strokes off the pace instead of only two after the punishment was applied for improper ball placement.

Smith, who has deflected questions this week on reports he will jump to LIV Golf after the PGA playoffs, made the violation on the par-3 fourth hole in the third round at TPC Southwind.

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S1 — Will Zalatoris (-15)

T1 — Sepp Straka (-15)

S3 — Lucas Glover (-12)

S3—Brian Harman (-12)

S5—Trey Mullinax (-11)

S5—Matt Fitzpatrick (-11)

T5 — Tony Finau (-11)

S5—Andrew Putnam (-11)

S5—Adam Scott (-11)

S5—Colin Morikawa (-11)

S5—Jon Rahm (-11)

Cameron Smith suffered a setback.  Andy Lyons/Getty Images/AFP
Cameron Smith suffered a setback. Andy Lyons/Getty Images/AFPSource: AFP

Gary Young of the PGA Tour rules staff said that Smith plunked his tee shot into the water on the hole and when he dropped the ball outside the penalty area, it rolled back and came to rest touching the red hazard marking line.

Rules committee members reviewed video replays of the hole and brought in Smith to talk about the infraction.

“At that point, he said yes, my ball was definitely touching the line,” Young said. “He wasn’t aware that no portion of the ball could be touching the line.

“You have to take complete relief from that area.”

The two-stroke punishment boosted Smith’s score from a three-under par 67 to a one-under 69 that left him on nine-under 201 through 54 holes, four adrift of 54-hole leader JJ Spaun.

“He felt it was OK to play it from there but unfortunately the rules say differently,” Young said.

“The rules give the player, as long as the player has shown reasonable judgment in determining whether or not his ball was in or out of the penalty area in this situation with his own naked eye, I thought it was simply going to be a situation where I asked Cam the question and he was going to tell him that he was comfortable that his ball was outside the penalty area.

“When I asked him the question, unfortunately, he said to me, ‘No, the ball was definitely touching the line’. So at that point there’s no turning back. That was a moment where I know that the player has knowledge that the ball was touching the line, he just simply didn’t understand the rule that it requires the entire ball to be outside of the penalty area and in his relief area. So that was the tough part.”

“He just said to me, ‘The rules are the rules.’ I just accepted it and left the office.”

Elsewhere, fellow Australian Adam Scott’s four-under-par 66 took up to the top of the leaderboard at 11 under midway through the final round.

‘Ready to cop some heat’ Smith talks LIV | 00:49

Smith seeks his seventh career PGA title and his fourth of the year after the Tournament of Champions, the Players Championship and taking the Claret Jug last month at St. Andrews.

A victory would vault Smith over Masters champion Scottie Scheffler of the United States to the top of the world rankings for the first time in his career.

Smith said his game has not been affected by distractions this week such as numerous questions about his future and reports compatriot Cameron Percy said the Smith has already made a deal to join LIV Golf.

“My goal here is to win the FedExCup playoffs. That’s all I’m here for,” Smith said earlier this week. “If there’s something I need to say regarding the PGA Tour or LIV, it will come from Cameron Smith, not Cameron Percy.

“I’m a man of my word and whenever you guys need to know anything, it’ll be said by me.”



Olivia Newton-John’s final wish to have ashes scattered in Byron Bay

Olivia Newton-John revealed exactly what she wanted to happen after her death in an interview filmed before she passed away.

In a never-before-seen interview which aired during Seven special Spotlight: Olivia – A Magical Life on Sunday night, the Australian entertainment icon explained that she wanted some of her ashes scattered in Byron Bay, some at her property in California and “in other places I love”.

The ashes of Newton-John’s late mother and sister were also scattered in the popular coastal northern NSW town, where the actress owned a property until last year.

“I don’t think I’ve really thought about it that deeply. We all should,” Newton-John said in the previously unknown footage.

“But I’d like to be with them, I’d like to be with them… that would be nice.”

Newton-John, whose starring role in grease in 1978 made her world famous, died at her ranch in California last week following a long battle with breast cancer.

She was first diagnosed with the disease in 1992, but it went into remission before it reappeared in 2013 and then again in 2017.

The Seven special also featured tributes from some of her oldest and closest friends, including Sir Cliff Richard and Bee Gees legend Barry Gibb, who described her as “a diamond”.

“And in this world there’s only a few diamonds,” he said.

“There were all these wonderful female artists and then there was Olivia Newton-John.”

Newton-John’s heartbroken family have accepted the offer of a state funeral from Victoria’s state government, with Premier Daniel Andrews confirming the news last Thursday.

“This will be much more of a concert than a funeral, I think it will be a celebration of such a rich and generous life,” he said.

“Olivia Newton-John was a very special person and to take her cancer journey and to turn that into more research, better treatment, better care and this focus on wellness, is such an amazing legacy and that’s why I think we all feel the pain of her passing.”



Tennis news 2022: Nick Kyrgios comes crashing back to earth vs Hubert Hurkacz

Nick Kyrgios confessed that he had little more to give physically as his nine-match win streak came to an end in the quarter-finals of the ATP Montreal Masters on Friday.

The Wimbledon runner-up lost 7-6, 6-7, 6-1 to Polish powerhouse Hubert Hurkacz after coming to the court with 15 victories from his past 16 matches.

But the Australian had little left to give as his body began to complain.

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“My body hasn’t been feeling great the last week,” he said.

“I was feeling the abdominal (muscle) a little bit before the match. My knees hurt.”

Kyrgios kept the pace of the match brisk as he held his own in the first two sets before finally losing momentum in the third as Hurkacz took control.

The Aussie was annoyed as his opponent left the court for a change of clothes and bathroom break, a delay that ate into his fragile fitness.

During the broadcast, Kyrgios was overheard saying: “We’re not f***ing machines, bro. We can’t just go and stop, go and stop, go and stop.”

He later told reporters: “Obviously when you’re playing and you stop for like five to 10 minutes, it doesn’t help your body.

“My body was so stiff after that, I couldn’t move properly.

“I mean, it’s within the rules. I’m not going to complain. I completely stiffened up.”

World No. 37 Kyrgios, whose performance this week will send him into a seeded US Open spot, added: “I’m not a machine. I’m a human.”

Kyrgios won his first ATP title in three years last week at Washington and shared the doubles crown with Jack Sock, the first man in the event’s 53-year history to take both crowns in the same year.

“My knees were sore, my back was sore… I was trying to stay moving, but I just stiffened up,” Kyrgios said.

“My body hasn’t been feeling great the last week.”

Kyrgios said he needs a pause before returning to the fray next week at Cincinnati in the last major tuneup for the US Open, which begins August 29.

“I feel good, but the US Open is still two and a half weeks away. I have Cincinnati next week. That’s all I’m focusing on,” he said.

“I’m focusing on today, tonight, recovery, food, then just resting, then Cincinnati. That’s where my mind is at.”

Hurkacz overcame 53 winners from Kyrgios to halt the Australian’s nine-match winning streak. The No. 8 seed managed 43 winners of his own in a rapid-fire triumph that put him into his fourth semi-final at the Masters level.

Hurkacz will next face Norway’s fourth-seeded Casper Ruud, who crushed home-nation player Felix Auger-Aliassime 6-1, 6-2, in 74 minutes.


Read related topics:Nick Kyrgios



Anne Heche’s mum survives four of her five kids

Anne Heche’s mother Nancy Heche has now outlived four of her five children, as well as her husband, who died of AIDS.

Anne’s deeply religious mother, Nancy, 85, and her late husband Donald Heche shared five children, with all but one of them dying tragic deaths at an early age.

The baby of the family, Anne – who grew up to become a Hollywood star – was declared legally dead on Friday after spending days in a coma following a car crash one week earlier. She was 53.

The eldest, Susan, also wrote a memoir about growing up with a closed gay father, “Anonymity,” published in 1994 under her married name, Susan Bergman. She died of brain cancer in 2006. The second daughter, Cynthia, died in infancy, from a heart defect.

The only son, Nathan, a target for much of his father’s non-sexual abuse, died three months after his father did, in a car accident that some surmised might have been suicide, the New York Times reports.

Abigail, now a jewelry designer living in Michigan, was the other child.

Anne’s troubled relationship with her family first became public knowledge following the release of her 2001 memoir call me crazyin which the US actress revealed she was estranged from her mother over her lesbian romance with Ellen Degeneres and childhood trauma.

The Chicago-based Nancy Heche famously lectured against the “evils” of homosexuality after her secretly gay husband, Donald, died of AIDS in 1983.

Nancy, a Christian psychologist who uses the Bible in her counseling practice, disapproved when Anne told her in 1997 that she’d fallen in love with DeGeneres.

“I am plummeted into disbelief and outrage,” she wrote.

“I am dumbfounded, in a state of shock. Doesn’t Anne know what homosexuality has done to our family?”

“How will we ever be able to close the gap, the avowed heterosexual mother and the avowed homosexual daughter?” she added.

After the publication of Anne’s memoir, Nancy wrote that she found “no place among the lies and blasphemies in the pages of this book”. the Six Days Seven Nights star said her mother did not believe Anne’s claims that her father molested her from the time she was a toddler until she was 12, the NY Post reports.

In 1998, Anne Told The Tampa Bay Times that her mother believed that her lesbian relationship with DeGeneres was a “sin”.

Nancy told the Christian Broadcasting Network that she felt her daughter’s relationship with a woman was “a betrayal of an unspoken vow”.

“We will never have anything to do with homosexuals,” she added.

In a separate interview, Nancy told in a 2009 that she didn’t handle her daughter coming out in 1997 well.

She said: “I’m sorry I didn’t know how to deal with it well. God was giving me an opportunity. We had good moments of trying to connect. All of us were learning how to handle it. We loved each other; how do you live out that when you disagree?”

In a 2011 interview with The Daily Telegraph Anne she had started to rebuild her relationship with her sister following a 20-year feud.

the I Know What You Did Last Summer star said of Abigail: “She came out to visit last week, and we’re having a wonderful time in our friendship as we’ve gotten closer. We’ve both put our stuff behind us.”

In that interview, Anne said that she was still estranged from her mother. She also recalled a time when she had phoned her mother de ella to confront her about allegedly turning a blind eye to the abuse she suffered at the hands of her father de ella. According to Anne, she hung up after Nancy said: “Jesus loves you, Anne.”

Anne added: “Forgiveness is a funny word for me. I’m OK with my mother living her life the way she wants to live it, and I’m OK with her not participating in my life the way I want to live it.

In 2015, Nancy conceded: “(Anne has) stopped talking to me. She made the decision to cut off communication.”

Anne went on to have two children of her own. She shared Homer, now 20, with her

ex-husband Coleman “Coley” Laffoon, and Atlas, 13, with her ex-partner and Men in Trees co-star James Tupper.

The fathers of her children, and her eldest son, paid tribute to Anne following her tragic death.

“In the wake of Anne’s passing, I just want to say a few things. One, I loved her and I miss her, and I’m always going to,” Laffoon said in a selfie video on Instagram.

“Two, Homer is OK. He’s grieving, of course, and it’s rough, it’s really rough, as probably anybody can imagine. But he’s surrounded by his family and he’s strong and he’s going to be OK. ”

In a recent statement to E! News, Homer said: “My brother Atlas and I lost our Mom. After six days of almost unbelievable emotional swings, I am left with a deep, wordless sadness. Hopefully my mom is free from pain and beginning to explore what I like to imagine as her eternal freedom. He added, “Over those six days, thousands of friends, family, and fans made their hearts known to me. I am grateful for their love, as I am for the support of my Dad, Coley, and my stepmom Alexi who continue to be my rock during this time. Rest In Peace Mom, I love you, Homer.”

Tupper also posted a tribute to Anne on Instagram, which simply read: “Love you forever” along with a photo of his ex and the mother of his child.

Tupper initially posted a message to Anne following the car crash that ultimately led to her death, sharing a photo of her with their son and the caption, “Thoughts and prayers for this lovely woman, actress, and mother tonight, Anne Heche. We love you.”



Cricket news 2022: Alana Kin hat-trick in Hundred women’s competition, Shane Warne tribute video

Australian leg-spinner Alana King has become the first cricketer to take a hat-trick in the Hundred women’s competition, achieving the rare feat on debut for the Trent Rockets on Saturday evening AEST.

The 26-year-old helped roll the Manchester Originals for 76 at Old Trafford, finishing her 20-delivery spell with stunning figures of 4/15 including 13 dot balls, the best bowling performance by a female Rockets player in the competition’s short history.

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After removing West Indies veteran Deandra Dottin for a second-ball duck early in Manchester’s run chase, Player of the Match King returned to tear through the Originals middle-order.

The Victorian clean-bowled Cordelia Griffith before trapping rival spinner Sophie Ecclestone on the front pad the very next delivery.

And King completed the hat-trick by bowling Originals captain Kate Cross with a beauty that spun through the gate and crashed into the middle stump, leaving Manchester in dire straits at 7/45.

The Aussie tweaker, donning her trademark sunglasses, celebrated by raising an index finger and sprinting towards cover, reminiscent of the late Shane Warne’s unforgettable 700th Test wicket at the MCG in 2006.

King’s hat-trick took place on the same pitch that childhood hero Warne delivered his iconic “Ball of the Century” in 1993.

“Will I get my name up here at Old Trafford? That would be brilliant. Hopefully right next to Warnie,” King told Sky Sports post-match.

“He took poles here for fun, and I’m sure he was looking down pretty happy.

“He was a massive inspiration, but it wasn’t just me. It was kids all around the world who inspired him to pick up leg spin. He was definitely the reason I picked up leg spin. Hopefully he’s been proud watching down on me spin a few.

“When I was a bit younger, I did a couple of sessions with him. All I remember from that was him saying, ‘Spin it hard and have some fun’. I live by that every single day.

“That’s my first hat-trick. Not even in juniors did I take one. My first hat-trick at Old Trafford, I couldn’t have written it.

“As soon as I got that first wicket, I knew I had to keep aiming for the stumps. I’m just stoked that I can play my part for this team.”

King would have taken four wickets in four balls if the Rockets had reviewed her following delivery, which struck wicketkeeper Eleanor Threlkeld on the pads.

King will be particularly relieved to tick off the career milestone after missing out on a hat-trick during the recent Commonwealth Games in Birmingham.

During Australia’s group stage match against Barbados at Edgbaston, captain Meg Lanning dropped a regulation catch at first slip on the hat-trick delivery.

King also starred with the bat on Saturday, smacking an 19 not out off nine deliveries at the death, including two sixes, to steer the Rockets, who were without Lanning and England all-rounder Nat Sciver for personal reasons, towards a defendable total of 5/119.

English wicketkeeper Abigail Freeborn top-scored for the Rockets with an unbeaten 45 off 38 balls, and the Originals came nowhere near chasing the modest total, ultimately suffering a 43-run defeat.

“In the first half, I thought we bowled and fielded really well, and we were happy chasing 120. But then the second bit, we didn’t play like we wanted to play,” Originals coach Paul Shaw said.

“Alana King’s a quality performer who will be around for a long time. She bowled really, really well. But we didn’t play her that well.”

King also held onto a tough outfield catch to remove England’s Ami Campbell for 13 and cap off a superb all-round performance.

“Pretty special but as I said, I’m here to do my job for the team and I’m glad it came off today,” King said.

“It was a fresh wicket today, it was a bit dry and hoping there was some spin and there was. Stoked to get the win and happy I can contribute.

“The atmosphere was absolutely incredible. To get our first win was pretty special. We knew we were under par with the bat, and we needed to stick to our game plan with the ball. We wanted to take some early wickets in the powerplay, which we did. As soon as we got their two openers out, we knew the pressure was back on them.”

The last 10 months of King’s career has been nothing short of extraordinary — after winning a Women’s Big Bash League title with the Perth Scorchers in October last year, she made her international debut in all three formats during the recent home summer.

She was a crucial member of Australia’s undefeated Ashes campaign and World Cup triumph in New Zealand before winning a Commonwealth Games gold medal in Birmingham earlier this month.

Meanwhile, Australian superstar Ellyse Perry also impressed on Hundred debut for the Birmingham Phoenix with a blistering 58 (31) against the Welsh Fire in Cardiff.

Player of the Match Perry combined with compatriot Sophie Molineux for a crucial fourth-wicket partnership of 82 in 54 balls on the way to a 19-run victory.

The Rockets will next face Birmingham at Edgbaston on Monday, with the first ball scheduled for midnight AEST.



Fans erupt over Chris Rock sighting, Sydney Swans vs Collingwood score, Brian Taylor commentary

Chris Rock is a Sydney Swans fan, who knew?

The Hollywood star was spotted in the crowd at the SCG on Sunday afternoon for the Round 22 contest between Sydney and Collingwood.

Watch every blockbuster AFL match this weekend Live & Ad-Break Free In-Play on Kayo. New to Kayo? Start your free trial now >

Rock was wearing a red Swans cap and was enjoying the action on his visit to Sydney.

The Swans posted a photo of the actor and comedian holding a jersey signed by the whole Sydney team.

Channel 7 commentator Brian Taylor couldn’t help himself, making a not-so-subtle reference to when Rock was famously slapped by Will Smith at the Academy Awards earlier this year.

“Famous face here Chris Rock, of course of Grow Ups fame and he just accepts a slap really well these days doesn’t he, Chris Rock,” Taylor said tongue-in-cheek.

Alister Nicholson valiantly tried to get the commentary back on track, adding: “I reckon in terms of A-listers he’s just behind Buddy Franklin in terms of No. 1 at the SCG today BT.”

AFL fans couldn’t believe Taylor had made ice cold remark on live TV.

The Swans controlled the first half and took a 37-22 lead into the main break.

The Magpies are still in touching distance and the match appears set to go down to the wire in typical Collingwood fashion.



AFL 2022: Fans erupt over Chris Rock sighting, Sydney Swans vs Collingwood score, Brian Taylor commentary

Chris Rock is a Sydney Swans fan, who knew?

The Hollywood star was spotted in the crowd at the SCG on Sunday afternoon for the Round 22 contest between Sydney and Collingwood.

Watch every blockbuster AFL match this weekend Live & Ad-Break Free In-Play on Kayo. New to Kayo? Start your free trial now >

Rock was wearing a red Swans cap and was enjoying the action on his visit to Sydney.

The Swans posted a photo of the actor and comedian holding a jersey signed by the whole Sydney team.

Channel 7 commentator Brian Taylor couldn’t help himself, making a not-so-subtle reference to when Rock was famously slapped by Will Smith at the Academy Awards earlier this year.

“Famous face here Chris Rock, of course of Grow Ups fame and he just accepts a slap really well these days doesn’t he, Chris Rock,” Taylor said tongue-in-cheek.

Alister Nicholson valiantly tried to get the commentary back on track, adding: “I reckon in terms of A-listers he’s just behind Buddy Franklin in terms of No. 1 at the SCG today BT.”

AFL fans couldn’t believe Taylor had made ice cold remark on live TV.

The Swans controlled the first half and led 5.7 (37) to 3.5 (22) at the main break.

The Magpies are still in touching distance and the match appears set to go down to the wire in typical Collingwood fashion.

Read related topics:sydney
