Tim Michels refuses to back Trump bid in 2024 despite endorsement – Michmutters

Tim Michels refuses to back Trump bid in 2024 despite endorsement

Republican candidates for governor, left to right: Tim Ramthun, Rebecca Kleefisch, Tim Michels

MADISON – Four days before former President Donald Trump is scheduled to host a rally in Wisconsin for Tim Michels, Trump’s endorsed candidate for governor would not commit to supporting Trump for president in 2024.

Michels and his top two opponents in the Republican primary for governor on Monday distanced themselves from Trump during a town hall candidate forum in Milwaukee in their final meeting before voters decide which candidate will compete against Democratic incumbent Gov. Tony Evers in November.

Former Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch and state Rep. Tim Ramthun joined Michels in declining to say they would back Trump for president in two years when asked by a Republican voter whether to support another run for president in light of his actions by him during the attack on the US Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

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