trauma – Michmutters

As Victoria’s incarceration rate rises, children of jailed parents are ‘invisible victims’, report says

As Holly Nicholls grew up, her mother struggled to support the family while her father was in jail.

She was often forced to skip dinner or have toast as a substitute, and her family’s lack of money did not go unnoticed at school.

“Never having nice shoes, nice clothes, never getting your hair cut … and other young people notice that and then you cop the bullying,” she said.

Ms Nicholls’ father was incarcerated when she was young, meaning her family lived on a single income.

She said the stigma directed towards people who had been incarcerated was particularly confronting for children.

“They ask you questions like ‘is your dad a murderer or a rapist?'” she said.

“That’s really a full on thing to hear … because you still have that connection and love for that person and here people are in society demonizing them.”

Ms Nicholls shared her story as a report focusing on the way parental incarceration affects children was tabled in the Victorian Parliament.

A woman with dark hair speaking in front of microphones.
Holly Nicholls (right) says her father’s imprisonment marked her early life.(abcnews)

The report found the traumatic nature of parental incarceration could interrupt childhood development, a lack of support could contribute to intergenerational patterns of incarceration and that for Aboriginal families, separating children from their parents could perpetuate historical trauma.

It also highlighted that the number of parents being incarcerated in Victoria was likely to be rising in line with an overall increase in the number of people being jailed.

Children with parents in jail ‘invisible victims’

The committee behind the report recommended the Victorian government set up a dedicated unit to support those young people.

Crossbench MP Fiona Patten, who chaired the committee, said children with parents in jail were the “invisible victims of crime”.

“They serve a sentence alongside their parent, an experience which may affect them negatively for their whole lives,” she said.

Reason Party MP Fiona Patten
Committee chair Fiona Patten says it was a privilege to hear personal stories, including some from prison inmates.(Supplied)

The committee looked at policies and services for children affected by parental incarceration across the state.

The report outlined 29 recommendations, including reducing the number of parents serving time in prison, developing arrest practices among police that are more child-aware and improving consideration of children’s interests when sentencing parents.

Data is scarce, but it is estimated that about 7,000 children in Victoria have a parent in jail at any time and 45,000 will have a parent imprisoned during their childhood.

Aboriginal children are disproportionately affected by parental incarceration in Victoria, with about 20 per cent likely to experience parental incarceration compared with 5 per cent of non-Aboriginal children.

Inmates’ experiences considered by committee

Rachael Hambleton, whose father spent time in prison while she was growing up, said dedicated support for young people going through a similar experience was needed.

“There are lots of not-for-profits that are trying to gap-fill services that don’t really exist,” she said.

Ms Hambleton also said it was important to consider the greater issues at play in the justice system.

“We all want to see a reduction in crime,” she said.

“Incarceration increases recidivism, while many evidence-based holistic approaches have been proven to reduce it.

“It’s time we looked to what works and dared to dream bigger.”

Razor wire at a Brisbane prison
The committee heard from both inmates and prison officers.(AAP: Dave Hunt)

The report recommended setting up a designated government unit within the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing to “design ways to help support children’s interests through their parent’s journey in the criminal justice system.”

In the report’s foreword, Ms Patten thanked those who shared their experiences as part of the committee’s work, which included inmates in Victorian prisons whose own parents had been incarcerated.

“We were told by individuals that they have been silenced from speaking about their experiences for so long because of stigma that they could only face and describe their experiences in late adulthood and did so, in some cases, for the first time to the committee, she said.

“We felt privileged to hear their stories.”



Helping young people who have experienced trauma get into the workforce

For 25-year-old Alana Cook, the thought of going into a business and asking for a job was scary.

“You read job applications and you’re like ‘There is no way that I’m ever going to get a job like that’,” she said.

When Ms Cook finished high school, she felt lost. She was living at home where she experienced issues with family and domestic violence.

A recommendation for her to go and live at the Youth Foyer in Shepparton, which provides safe and secure accommodation for young people who are unable to live at home, changed everything.

“I’ve never had that much support before. It was unusual for me for people to say, ‘Do you need help? Do you need anything?'” she said.

three women sitting at a bench in a park
Sarah Norris and Lisa Kerr hope that hearing about Alana Cook’s experience will help businesses better engage with the city’s young people.(ABC Shepparton: Courtney Howe)

The Foyer introduced Ms Cook to Jenny Foott from Foott Waste Solutions, which took the pressure off her needing to approach the business by herself.

“I didn’t have an interview,” Ms Cook said.

“I had a conversation with her explaining my situation and she explained the expectations that she had and that was a way of understanding both of our needs and where we could meet in the middle.”

Ms Cook said that conversation led her to work one day a week at Foott Waste and had given her the confidence to go after more jobs, while she undertook full-time study at Latrobe University in Shepparton.

Bringing employers and young people together

Ms Cook and Ms Foott will speak about their experience at a Youth Employment Summit this week in Shepparton, which will bring local businesses together to hear how they can attract and retain young people.

Sarah Norris is the senior youth investment coordinator with Better Futures and the Education First Youth Foyer Shepparton and is one of the people behind the summit.

Ms Norris said the idea was to help employers understand the issues being faced by young people in Shepparton, particularly those who had experienced trauma.

“A lot of people have experienced some form of stress themselves and they hopefully have not experienced significant trauma, but they’ve felt that stress and we all know how we personally react,” she said.

“I think in the cohorts that I work with it can manifest in different ways and sometimes the behavior that is demonstrated, which is just a symptom of the trauma and stress, can be interpreted incorrectly.”

Ms Norris said businesses were screaming out for workers and there were plenty of young people who wanted to stay and work in Shepparton.

“It’s about helping those employers tap into those resources and tap into young people who want to stay in Shepparton. They’re comfortable here, this is their home, this is their community, and we want to grow that.”

Shops down a street
Sarah Norris says Shepparton businesses are crying out for workers.(ABC Shepparton: Courtney Howe)

Strong interest from business community

Lisa Kerr from the Goulburn Murray Local Learning and Employment Network said there had been strong interest from businesses for the event.

She said there were many businesses in Shepparton that were finding ways to work with young people, and they hoped they could use those examples to show others what was possible.

“Whether it be some employment programs that they’re able to bring in or even just speak with their staff around expectations and coaching them a little bit,” Ms Kerr said.

“The idea is to showcase some of those businesses that are doing that, that are really open to embracing that in the workplace and realizing that things have changed over the past few years, and they have to be flexible and look at different ways that they can be included in their workplace.”

Ms Cook hoped sharing her experience would encourage other businesses to sit down and start a conversation.

“Be open to young people, have a conversation,” she said.

“You don’t always know what they’re experiencing or have experienced yourself, but some level of understanding and compassion is needed.”

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