south coast track – Michmutters

Tasmanian government and UNESCO seemingly at odds over national park development: Greens

“Confused” is how Tasmanian Greens leader Cassy O’Connor says she feels about the way the Tasmanian government is continuing to support development in the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area (TWWHA).

Since 2014, the state government has been encouraging tourism operators to put forward their proposals for development in national parks, which it says will help create regional jobs.

Some proposals are up and running, but others are proving contentious.

With developers behind a proposal for Lake Malbena trying again to win approval, and plans for huts in a remote corner of the south-west yet to reach the approvals phase, will UNESCO’s stance on development have any impact?

What is the situation with the TWWHA?

UNESCO, the United Nations body that oversees World Heritage areas, in July 2021 urged the government “to avoid any development at the [TWWHA] before the detailed plan for a comprehensive cultural assessment is implemented”.
