outlet spoke – Michmutters

Zodiac signs causing parents to time their pregnancy for right birth month

Parents are timing their pregnancies to coincide with desirable zodiac sign birth months – and it’s a phenomenon that stretches back years.

Several parents are reportedly planning the conception so that nine months later their child will be born in the right month.

There’s multiple threads in Reddit dedicated to the trend.

“Has anyone tried their future children’s zodiac planning based on you and your s/o zodiac?” the Reddit question begins.

“My husband thinks I’m crazy for wanting to plan our next child according to signs so that when we do have another child we can all be compatible.”

Dozens weighed in, including one person who said: “Dad is a Gemini, mum is an Aquarius, and they planned me as a Gemini and I was born in the dead center of Gemini.

“I think it’s a great idea! My parents and I had an incredible relationship.”

Another added: “I like the idea of ​​adding a Libra. I have had three best friends that have been Libras so I thought maybe that could work!”

According to Vicebelief in zodiac signs is prevalent among multiple aspiring parents in America who plan when they want to conceive their child.

However, it doesn’t always go to plan.

The US outlet spoke to several parents who had their babies slightly too early or too late to fulfill their wishes of having the perfect zodiac sign.

Mackenzie Warren, from the US state of North Carolina, was hoping for a Scorpio child but her daughter ended up being Libra.

The couple tried again but deliberately delayed it hoping to avoid Pisces. The second time it worked, as they ended up in Aquarius.

Then there’s Kimberly Miller, from LA, who told the publication that she really didn’t want a Virgo child because that had been her mother’s zodiac, who was quite uptight.

Accordingly, when her due date approached, she tried all kinds of things to kick the process along as the Virgo months neared.

The mum-to-be ate ‘maternity salad’ and even underwent Buddhist chanting upon a friend’s suggestion.

Her daughter, now a teenager, is reportedly very laid-back despite being a Virgo.
