Latrobe Valley – Michmutters

Renewable energy projects are taking off but where is the workforce?

The renewables industry has exploded in Victoria, with ambitious energy targets set by the state government and an abundance of job opportunities in the fledgling sector to be realised.

Gippsland, in south-eastern Victoria, has been touted as the golden child of the renewable energy industry.

The region has windy seas, extensive land resources, and existing grid infrastructure in the Latrobe Valley thanks to its coal mining legacy.

Thousands of jobs are set to be created during both construction and operational phases in the switch to renewable energies.

But in a job market crying out for people to fill 86,000 vacancies in rural and regional Australia, doubt remains on the ability to fill roles in the new industry.

In Australia, the labor force participation rate sits at 67 per cent, while in Gippsland, the rate is lower, varying between local government areas.

training gap

A recent renewable energy conference held in the region attracted interest overseas and nationwide interest.

Bernadette O’Connor, of Australian Renewables Academy (ARA), heads up a local organization tasked with training the workforce needed to work on renewables.

Ms O’Connor said mediocre participation rates should be seen as an opportunity to bring more people into the workforce.

The group has intentions to retrain skilled workers in the move away from the coal, oil and gas industries.

“We need to look at who’s existing in the sector to transition across to the renewable energy industry,” Ms O’Connor said.

“[We look at] what level and what skills. Who is not in the sector, but could be in the sector, because they’ve got skills that could transition.”

bernadette o'connor
Australian Renewables Academy director Bernadette O’Connor presenting at the the Gippsland New Energy Conference.(Supplied)

The federally funded ARA identifies entry level jobs and determines which people could be recruited with basic training.

Given offshore wind is in its infancy in Australia, skills and knowledge to train the workforce in the new technology will likely come from overseas initially.

Ms O’Connor said the industry was evolving at a fast pace, and communication around the sector’s resourcing needs was imperative.

“If we can have really good teachers who know how to teach and know how to facilitate learning, partnering with industry who know what the industry needs, then that would be the ideal scenario,” Ms O’Connor said.

Shift in thinking

Historically, the offshore oil and gas industry in Gippsland has attracted fly-in fly-out workers from across the country, but the number of interstate workers have dropped in the past few years, according to unions.
