
Millions are divided over chef’s unusual way to always get crispy bacon: ‘There’s no way this works’

Foodies are divided over chef’s VERY unusual ‘secret’ for crispy bacon every time: ‘There’s no way this works’

  • A top chef shared an unusual method that ensures bacon is perfectly crispy
  • Roice Bethel was a contestant on Gordon Ramsey’s tv show ‘Next Level Chef’
  • He revealed that he always boils his bacon on a cool pan when he wants it crispy
  • ‘The meat’s muscle cooks fast but fat takes a longer time to render well,’ he said
  • Water prevents the heat from getting too high and gives the meat time to render

A top chef has shared an unusual tip that ensures his bacon is perfectly crispy every time.

Roice Bethel, from California, was a contestant on the first season of Gordon Ramsey’s reality television show ‘Next Level Chef.’

‘If you want perfectly crispy bacon you have to boil it,’ he said in a now-viral TikTok.

‘I know that sounds like it wouldn’t work but it does.’

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A top chef has shared an unusual tip that ensures his bacon is perfectly crispy every time

A top chef has shared an unusual tip that ensures his bacon is perfectly crispy every time


Will you be trying Roice’s method?

  • Yes, the bacon looks so crunchy! 54 votes
  • No, I’ve perfected cooking bacon 46 votes

Roice explained that in order to get the perfect strip of bacon, you have to pay attention to the meat’s composition.

‘So there’s two parts to every strip of bacon,’ he said.

‘There’s the muscle, which is the dark part – and the fat, which is the light part.’

The professional chef then revealed that muscle cooks extremely quickly but fat takes a much longer time to render well.

To remedy that problem, Roice puts his strips of bacon on a cool pan and pours just enough water over it to cover the meat.

Roice puts his strips of bacon on a cool pan and pours enough water over it to cover the meat as it prevents the temperature from getting too high and gives the meat enough time to render

Roice puts his strips of bacon on a cool pan and pours enough water over it to cover the meat as it prevents the temperature from getting too high and gives the meat enough time to render

‘The water prevents the temperature from getting too high which gives the meat enough time to render out,’ he said.

Roice added, ‘And so the meat and the fat finish cooking at the same time.’

He typically flips the bacon around until the water evaporates, at which point the meat is not overcooked or burned and the fat is rendered perfectly.

Roice typically flips the bacon around until the water evaporates, at which point the meat is not overcooked or burned and the fat is rendered perfectly

Roice typically flips the bacon around until the water evaporates, at which point the meat is not overcooked or burned and the fat is rendered perfectly

Millions were taken back by this simple hack, and could not believe they were let in on this trade secret.

‘I tried this trick in the morning and it was a game changer,’ said one woman.

‘I’ve been making my bacon like this for years – and it’s the best method I’ve ever come across.’

But others were not convinced.

‘You boiled out the best part of the bacon… the flavour!’

‘If you pour water all over your bacon it isn’t going to have a taste.’




How to make ANYONE like you: Michelle Bowden’s How to Persuade helps you boost charisma

A communications coach has revealed her go-to tricks for improving your ‘likeability’ and charisma – and says limiting jerky movements having clean fingernails, wearing flattering clothing and projecting ‘warmth’ are key to success.

Michelle Bowden, a certified speaking professional, has delivered her Persuasive Presentation Skills masterclass for more than 12,000 people and works with the who’s who of international business to help them win multi-million-dollar bids and projects.

Now, she’s written her new book How to Persuade to equip readers with the skills, tips and actions you need to get exactly what you want and improve your charisma.

Michelle Bowden, a certified speaking professional, has delivered her Persuasive Presentation Skills masterclass for more than 12,000 people

Michelle Bowden, a certified speaking professional, has delivered her Persuasive Presentation Skills masterclass for more than 12,000 people

‘It’s a fact that likeable people are the ones who get the furthest in life. Even if you’re not the smartest or most experienced, if you are the most likeable, you’ll often be the most persuasive at the moment,’ Michelle says.

‘In contrast, unlikeable people are a turn-off. They destroy the joy and can make people feel uncomfortable, judged and fearful.

‘The four most unlikeable behaviors in others were unsatisfactory grooming, killing the fun, and ignoring or talking over others.’


What is the biggest turn off?

  • 1. Unsatisfactory grooming 7 votes
  • 2. Killing the fun 5 votes
  • 3. Ignoring people 14 votes
  • 4. Talking over others 11 votes

1.Be attractive

Whether you like this fact or not, attractive people get more breaks in life than their ‘plain’ counterparts.

Business psychologist Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic reported in 2019 that people who don’t fit a society’s dominant aesthetic criteria simply don’t get the same breaks in life as those who do.

And psychologist and researcher at Harvard University Nancy L Etcoff and her colleagues published a 2011 study that found that groomed women who were wearing makeup were seen as more attractive, competent, likeable and trustworthy than women who presented with a bare face. Pretty convincing!

The good news is that ‘attractiveness’ doesn’t really relate to your ‘natural’ beauty. Whatever you look like, you can certainly make the most of your qualities and features.

Whether you like this fact or not, attractive people get more breaks in life than their 'plain' counterparts

Whether you like this fact or not, attractive people get more breaks in life than their ‘plain’ counterparts

You don’t have to spend a lot of money making yourself attractive. Ask yourself the following:

• Is your hair styled the best way for your face? Is it well kept and stylish?

• Do you keep yourself clean and tidy?

• Are you wearing clothes that flatter your body type?

• Are your nose and ear hairs trimmed?

• Do you smell good?

• Are your teeth clean?

• Are your fingernails well kept?

• Do you have clean shoes, and are your clothes laundered and ironed without food stains and mess?

• Did you tuck in your shirt?

You may think this is fussy and no-one else’s business, and the bad news is that you think that at your own peril. This stuff counts when it comes to persuasion.

The three ways to boost your charisma – and why it matters

Why be charismatic?

Charismatic people are attractive, likeable, and respected. They convey a contagious confidence for their point of view and can win people over with their magnetic personality and charm. When someone is charismatic, people want to be like them, and they also want to spend time with them. And when someone is charismatic, they are automatically more believable, no matter their point of view. You will most definitely be more persuasive if you can develop your perceived charisma.

There are three areas to work on if you want to build your perceived charisma with others:

1. Presence

Presence is about a smoothness of activity. Imagine a swan gliding along the water. They seem calm, serene, and controlled. Under the water their legs are kicking and paddling furiously, but you don’t see all that commotion.

To ensure you seem smooth on the surface it’s important to limit stressful behavior such as jerky movements, closed body language, and impulsive comments, or actions.

You can demonstrate power by holding an upright, commanding posture and maintaining direct-connected eye contact

You can demonstrate power by holding an upright, commanding posture and maintaining direct-connected eye contact


Power is all about your self-belief and how much you like and back yourself. It’s about an inner confidence that radiates from you and implies success.

You can demonstrate power by holding an upright, commanding posture, maintaining direct-connected eye contact, and by your superior ability to articulate your point through excellent structure and clever storytelling.

Perhaps you could begin to improve your power and charisma by participating in the conversations around you. Try to inject a short story, an example, or a metaphor (even in a small way) into every conversation.


Warmth is about your perceived care and acceptance of the other person. If you are a charismatic person, you put people at ease and you make people feel amazing!

You make others feel important and as though they matter. This of course can be very alluring and addictive to the people around you. People want to spend time with someone who makes them feel worthy.

If you’re keen to develop this capability aim to do all the activities that build rapport easily, care about others, remember key facts about them.

Interestingly warmth is also very much conveyed through the eyes and facial expressions. If you’d like to improve your warmth and therefore your charisma you could practice looking at people in the same way you would look at a person you care for deeply (don’t be weird about this though!).

2. Smile and ‘smize’

Smiling is a winning behavior recognized internationally as a sign of positivity. Did you know that babies are born with the ability to smile? People who smile are seen by others as confident, positive and attractive.

You appear younger when you smile a lot because of the way smiling affects the muscles in your face. Smiling is even good for you because it releases endorphins and other chemicals that help you relax and feel good.

Unsurprisingly, an American Association of Cosmetic Dentistry study found that people were more likely to remember your smile than the first thing you said.

A wonderful strategy for persuasion is to not just smile but ‘smize’ – or smile with your eyes. This is a term coined by supermodel Tyra Banks.

Over 50 different types of smiles are possible, but the one that is considered the most sincere is the smize – it pushes up into your eyes, your eyes sparkle and you look genuinely happy.

Unsurprisingly, an American Association of Cosmetic Dentistry study found that people were more likely to remember your smile than the first thing you said

Unsurprisingly, an American Association of Cosmetic Dentistry study found that people were more likely to remember your smile than the first thing you said

3. Laugh and use humor to negotiate

Laughing is a wonderful way to build rapport with people because playful communication triggers good feelings and a positive emotional connection.

You probably know that a sense of humor is one of the first things people look for in a life partner – because people who can laugh are more likely to let go of defensiveness, act more spontaneously and release inhibitions.

Funny people are likeable. People who laugh freely are thought of as joyful, light and fun to be around. Who wouldn’t want that?

Humor that’s working for both parties can also help you negotiate more effectively, resolve conflict and move people forward. It’s true that laughter unites people during difficult times. Befriend funny people and watch and read funny things daily.

Whether you are standing or sitting down, aligning your shoulders with the other person and keeping your hands open and obvious suggests that you are interested and engaged in the conversation

Whether you are standing or sitting down, aligning your shoulders with the other person and keeping your hands open and obvious suggests that you are interested and engaged in the conversation

4. Show your hands and don’t fidget

Showing your hands signals safety – the people around you have nothing to fear.

Whether you are standing or sitting down, aligning your shoulders with the other person and keeping your hands open and obvious suggests that you are interested and engaged in the conversation.

Turning away, twisting your body or hiding your hands means either a lack of interest or disagreement.

You also shouldn’t do a whole lot of other things with your hands if you’re aiming to be trustworthy. For example, don’t cross your arms, put your hands in your pocket, hold your crotch, clasp your hands behind your back, hold your fingers in a steeple position, touch your face or hair, or fidget with your rings or clothes.

These distracting hand movements stop your stakeholder from listening properly. They may even start to distrust you.

Turning away, twisting your body or hiding your hands means either a lack of interest or disagreement

Turning away, twisting your body or hiding your hands means either a lack of interest or disagreement

Michelle has written her new book How to Persuade to equip readers with the skills, tips and actions you need to get exactly what you want and improve your charisma.

Michelle has written her new book How to Persuade to equip readers with the skills, tips and actions you need to get exactly what you want and improve your charisma.

5. Listen and don’t talk about people

Bestselling author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Stephen Covey, wisely said, ‘Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply’.

Isn’t it just so irritating when you are talking and someone speaks over the top of you? Doing so implies that the person doesn’t value what you’re saying. It breaks rapport and prevents the formation of goodwill.

Try to do what you can to listen when someone is talking. Take a moment of pause before adding your point.

If you focus on these five actions, you’ll be even more likeable than you already are and look out world – because this is one of the skills you need to get what you want!

Edited extracts from How to Persuade: The skills you need to get what you want (Wiley $29.95, 1 Aug 2022) by Michelle Bowden.



Young woman who was left with HORNS after cosmetic surgery faux pas

Young woman who was left with HORNS after cosmetic surgery sees her forehead turn black with infection: ‘It’s my biggest regret’

  • Australian woman Jessie Carr underwent a ‘fox eye’ cosmetic procedure
  • But the area around her temples have since turned black with infection
  • The 21-year-old from Sydney made headlines in March after sharing video
  • She described the procedure as leaving her with a swollen ‘egg’ head

An Australian woman who went viral after her ‘fox eye’ procedure went wrong and left her with ‘horns’ has revealed her issues are ongoing with her forehead now turning black.

Jessie Carr, 21, from Sydney, Australia, made headlines after she was left looking like an ‘alien with horns’ and documented getting the trendy eyebrow lift removed after it made her face swell up like an ‘egg’ in March.

She paid $2,000 for the procedure – which promises to last between 18-24 months – inspired by celebrities including Bella Hadid, who have the unique look.

However, the surgery didn’t go according to plan leaving Jessie with protrusions on her forehead resembling ‘horns’ which she later called her ‘biggest regret’.

An Australian woman who went viral after her 'fox eye' procedure went wrong and left her with 'horns' has revealed her issues are ongoing with her forehead now turning black

Jessie Carr, 21, from Sydney, Australia, made headlines after she was left looking like an 'alien with horns' and documented getting the trendy eyebrow lift removed after it made her face swell up like an 'egg' in March

An Australian woman who went viral after her ‘fox eye’ procedure went wrong and left her with ‘horns’ has revealed her issues are ongoing with her forehead now turning black

And now four months on from the initial cosmetic procedure, Jessie says the left side of her face where the threads were initially inserted have turned black.

Panicked, she contacted her cosmetic surgeon to check it out and was given a steroid injection to help alleviate the dark coloring of her scar.

In her latest video she can be seen facing the camera holding a tissue against her head which appears to have red splodges of blood on it before leaving the clinic with tape on her temples.

Speaking to the camera, Jessie said: ‘So update I went to the cosmetic surgeon and he was very, very helpful.

‘I was initially like I am never going back again because he’s done what he can and if that doesn’t work I don’t expect anything else.

In her latest video she can be seen facing the camera holding a tissue against her head which appears to have red splodges of blood on it before leaving the clinic with tape on her temples

Speaking to the camera, Jessie said: 'So update I went to the cosmetic surgeon and he was very, very helpful

In her latest video she can be seen facing the camera holding a tissue against her head which appears to have red splodges of blood on it before leaving the clinic with tape on her temples

She then films herself a couple of days after the injection and tells the camera the inflammation has died down

She then films herself a couple of days after the injection and tells the camera the inflammation has died down

‘But I was concerned about it turning black so I did go in and in the meantime what he has done to try and help my scar is he put a steroid injection into the area.

‘I think that lightens the scar and also helps with how the scar is currently progressing.’

She then films herself a couple of days after the injection and tells the camera the inflammation has died down.

Jessie added: ‘It was a bit out before but now it’s sunken in. It’s almost like there’s an indent in my head now but I guess it’s a good thing because it’s not inflamed.

‘And I’ve noticed the color is turning back to more of a reddish color rather than a black colour. Hopefully it goes away even more.’

She uploaded the update onto TikTok which has racked up over 900,000 views – leaving social media users shocked by the ongoing saga.

Jessie added: 'It was a bit out before but now it's sunken in.  It's almost like there's an indent in my head now but I guess it's a good thing because it's not inflamed'

Jessie added: ‘It was a bit out before but now it’s sunken in. It’s almost like there’s an indent in my head now but I guess it’s a good thing because it’s not inflamed’

Another TikTok user commented: 'I've never met anyone who had fox eyes done and didn't have problems'

Another TikTok user commented: ‘I’ve never met anyone who had fox eyes done and didn’t have problems’

One person said: ‘The fiasco NEVER ends.’

Another TikTok user commented: ‘I’ve never met anyone who had fox eyes done and didn’t have problems.’

‘I’d sue them if I’m honest,’ added another person.

One user said: ‘Why are people still doing this and the turkey teeth? You’re all gorgeous already!!’

Another shocked viewer wrote: ‘Cosmetic surgeons are not plastic surgeons unfortunately a BIG difference I’m sorry to see this girl; I hope you’re doing okay.’

‘Oh no! Your videos have convinced me to never get them,’ said another TikTok follower.

One person bluntly added: ‘Note for the future: don’t get ridiculous stuff done to your face.’




What not to say on a date: Louanne Ward reveals the five-word sentence that’s a MASSIVE red flag

A leading dating expert and matchmaker has revealed one sentence singles should stop saying if they want to find their perfect match.

Louanne Ward, from Perth, Western Australia, shared a video online explaining why both men and women alike should avoid saying: ‘I don’t have any expectations’.

She said this statement is ‘a bit of a lie’ and an ‘orange flag’ when dating.

‘These little statements people make, and how they’re perceived, could be different from what you actually mean,’ she said in the video.

Scroll down for video

Louanne Ward, from Perth, Western Australia, (pictured) shared a video online explaining why singles should avoid telling others they have 'no expectations'

Louanne Ward, from Perth, Western Australia, (pictured) shared a video online explaining why singles should avoid telling others they have ‘no expectations’

'These little statements people make, and how they're perceived, could be different to what you actually mean,' Ms Ward said in a video posted on Facebook

‘These little statements people make, and how they’re perceived, could be different to what you actually mean,’ Ms Ward said in a video posted on Facebook

On Facebook, Ms Ward questioned if it’s possible for someone to date without any expectations, and if there’s a ‘hidden meaning’ that could be an ‘orange flag’.

‘These little lies aren’t big red flags but they are certainly orange flags and can give you an insight into where your date is at emotionally and if they are wasting your time,’ she said.

Particularly with online dating, singles usually have a bare minimum expectation that their date will look like their photos, be who they say they are and arrive to the first date on time.

‘When you hear this what it probably means is, “I’ve been rejected so many times [and] I don’t hold out any hope that this is going to work”,’ she said.

‘You’re probably dealing with someone who’s quite a jaded dater and they’re never that fun to hang out with.’

She also warned your date may have no intentions of wanting a relationship.

In the comments other singles had conflicting opinions about Ms Ward’s advice.

‘We date to connect with someone! To me that’s an expectation, to say otherwise might label you as a player,’ one man wrote.

But Ms Ward replied: ‘Half the joy in meeting someone new is the expectation that it might work out!’

Another person said: ‘Depends on what stage you are in dating. First meeting I think it would be unrealistic to expect anything more than liking having fun and being interested in getting to know each other.’

Ms Ward said: ‘I couldn’t agree more and the expectation of having fun, being treated respectfully and enjoying new opportunities is keeping expectations positive and realistic.’

Particularly with online dating, singles usually have a bare minimum expectation that their date will look like their photos, be who they say they are and arrive to the first date on time (stock image)

Particularly with online dating, singles usually have a bare minimum expectation that their date will look like their photos, be who they say they are and arrive to the first date on time (stock image)

Earlier this month in another video, Ms Ward revealed the most common five words single women should stop saying if they want to pursue a relationship.

‘Every time you say “I don’t need a man”, what you’re doing is you’re putting out there exactly what you’re attracting back,’ she said.

Ms Ward said when most men hear these words, they ‘automatically begin to lose interest’.


Is the phrase ‘I don’t need a man’ to turn off?

  • Yes, it’s a red flag 879 votes
  • No, it shows independence 377 votes

The statement is usually common among women who are independent, confident and successful.

‘It’s true, you don’t need a man; You earn your own money, you can support yourself, you’ve got your own life, you’re happy,’ Ms Ward said in the video.

‘You might not need a man, but you actually need all the things a man can give you – the affection, the support, the love, the laughter, the sex, the caring.’

Ms Ward dubbed the statement as a ‘ridiculous thing to say’ as there’s ‘no shame’ in needing a man to fulfill your needs.

'You might not need a man, but you actually need all the things a man can give you - the affection, the support, the love, the laughter, the sex, the caring,' Ms Ward said

She added how there's 'no shame' in needing a man to fulfill your needs

‘You might not need a man, but you actually need all the things a man can give you – the affection, the support, the love, the laughter, the sex, the caring,’ Ms Ward said

‘You do need him for all the things he can give you,’ she said.

‘Start being brave enough to say: ‘Actually I do need a man for all of the things that I can’t give myself’.

‘There’s no shame in having a need, which is very different than being needy.’

The video received a flood of attention online and many agreed with Ms Ward’s advice.

‘Very well said,’ one person wrote, another added: ‘Yes it’s the same for the other sex as well. We need all the same things.’

‘You actually need masculine energy from a man as well,’ a third added.


1. Taking one hour to put make-up on to go for Sunday breakfast

2. Saying ‘I don’t need a man’

3. Too much eagerness texting too frequently

4. Being over-sensitive and crying as a strategy

5. Saying ‘You could be an ax murderer or a rapist, for all I know’


1. Bitching about an ex or other women

2. Constantly talking about yourself without asking questions

3. Setting up a date via a text message

4. Telling women it’s easier for them than it is for a man

5. Not making an equal effort in presentation



How to light a sparkler: Aussie baker sparks a headed debate on TikTok

Have you been lighting sparklers WRONG your whole life? Professional baker sparks heated debate after her startling revelation

  • A video has caused a heated debate online regarding how to light sparklers
  • Baker Tegan ‘Tigga’ Maccormack responded to a comment from a viewer
  • The person claimed sparklers are meant to be lit from the bottom, not the top
  • In the clip Tigga can be seen looking confused and tried the method
  • While some were mind blown others weren’t convinced

A popular baker has caused a stir after claiming she’s discovered the ‘right’ way to light sparklers – sparking a heated debate.

Melbourne baker Tegan ‘Tigga’ Maccormack, who co-founded the business Cake For Days, posted a now-viral TikTok video responding to a comment from a viewer claiming sparklers are meant to be lit from the bottom, not the top.

In the video, Tigga can be seen with a confused look on her face and was left ‘mind blown’ after trying the recommended way.

The 34-year-old and thousands of others online were left ‘mind blown’ by the little-known method, but others weren’t convinced.

Scroll down for video

Melbourne baker Tegan 'Tigga' Maccormack (pictured) posted a now-viral TikTok video responding to a comment from a viewer claiming sparklers are meant to be lit from the bottom, not the top

The 34-year-old and thousands of others online were left 'mind blown' by the little-known method, but others weren't convinced

Melbourne baker Tegan ‘Tigga’ Maccormack (pictured) posted a now-viral TikTok video responding to a comment from a viewer claiming sparklers are meant to be lit from the bottom, not the top


How do you light sparklers?

  • From the top 177 votes
  • From the bottom 15 votes
  • either way 26 votes

The comment read: ‘You’re meant to light them form the bottom so the sparkles go up.’

Using a baking blowtorch, Tigga ignites the sparkler form the bottom and the light finishes at the top.

In the comments on person was left in disbelief and wrote: ‘Whaaaaaa???’

‘How have I not known this!!!!,’ another wrote, and a third added: ‘So much less dangerous too.’

In the video, Tigga can be seen with a confused look on her face and was left 'mind blown' after trying the recommended way

In the comments on person was left in disbelief and wrote: 'Whaaaaaa???', but others failed to believe this method is 'better' than lighting the sparkler from the top

In the video, Tigga can be seen with a confused look on her face and was left ‘mind blown’ after trying the recommended way. In the comments on person ella was left in disbelief and wrote: ‘Whaaaaaa ???’, but others failed to believe this method is ‘better’ than lighting the sparkler from the top

But some failed to believe this method is ‘better’ than lighting the sparkler from the top.

‘Why is this mind blowing? If you light it in the middle it sparks both ways,’ one person wrote.

‘I’ve never met a single person that lights it from the bottom,’ another admitted.

A third person said: ‘Always light your sparkler at the tip, keeping the open flame the furthest away from the bare wire handle as possible.’

After less than 24 hours the video went viral exceeding a staggering 4.1million views.




Young man’s shock at finding his dad on dating app Grindr

A young man has revealed his shock at finding his married, ‘homophobic’ father on Grindr – years after the older man ‘disowned’ him for coming out as gay.

Speaking to Kyle and Jackie O the man known only as Jacob said he clicked on his dad’s headless profile one day when he was cruising the popular hook-up app.

He didn’t recognize his dad’s torso from the pictured but couldn’t shake the feeling there was something a little too familiar about it.

‘They have one of those ensuites that are through the walk-in closet – I thought that looks sort of like my parents house,’ he said.

A man has told Kyle and Jackie O about finding his dad on Grindr - despite the man still being married to his mum

A man has told Kyle and Jackie O about finding his dad on Grindr – despite the man still being married to his mum

‘I clicked through the profile to see if it could be my dad,’ he said.

The young man went on to explain that his parents seem as happy as ever, and have been together for 27 years.

‘I have never seen any signs of a rift between them,’ he said.

So he decided to engage with the profile, to see if it really was his dad, a fake profile or someone with an eerily similar home.

‘I wasn’t flirting with him, I just engaged in normal conversation, told him I liked his picture and asked where he is from,’ he said.

‘Then I asked for a picture of his face – when he felt it through it was my dad,’ he said.

Jacob is now torn over what he should do and says he feels for his mum.

‘I am very open and forward thinking, I don’t care if he is gay I just don’t want him lying to my mum,’ he said.


What should Jacob do?

  • Pretend he doesn’t know. 21 votes
  • Talk to his dad! 67 votes
  • Talk to his mum. 17 votes
  • Talk to both of his parents! 22 votes
  • Call his dad live on air! 11 votes

‘So now I am torn, do I tell mum, do I confront my dad,’ he asked the dumbfounded radio hosts.

Jackie O said she would have ‘walked away’ after seeing the familiar bedroom in the background.

‘I want to hear his opinion and get his story,’ Jacob said.

‘I want to know why he has been hiding it from me for so long.’

He also added that his father stopped talking to him for years when he found out he was gay.

‘He was super against it when I was coming out – he hated me – he was super angry and didn’t want anything to do with me in his life,’ he said.

‘The older closed men are often homophobic,’ he added.

Jacob said it took years for him and his father to get back on good terms.

‘I just don’t want this to hurt my mum,’ he said.

He then asked for advice from the shows listeners who all agreed he needed to have a sit down chat with both of his parents.

‘You have to discuss this with both of your parents, they have to be aware,’ one man said.

‘My partner had a similar thing happen, his dad had six kids, was a construction manager and appeared happily married.

‘Your dad will be happier if he can be true to his real identity, and your mum deserves the chance to be happy too,’ he said.

Another said he should speak with his father first – before having a chat with his mum.

The man said he and his dad both have anonymous Grindr profiles - like many users only sharing face pictures after connecting online

The man said he and his dad both have anonymous Grindr profiles – like many users only sharing face pictures after connecting online

A third said his dad did the same thing – but has managed to repair the relationship with his wife while being honest about his sexual identity.

‘I found gay magazines in the back of his car and followed him after work where I found out what he was doing in the evening,’ he said.

‘I spoke to my siblings about it and we realized he had been doing it our whole lives.

‘My parents are still together, we had a sit down chat about it, after all we all need to be able to feel proud about who we are,’ he added.

Jacob was undecided by the end of the segment, but told Kyle he wouldn’t be calling his dad on-air about it.

Jacob also has a headless profile on the app, and says many men choose to keep their faces off the app.



How to quickly say an onion without tears: Melbourne foodie Melanie Lionello shares her simple hack

This is the RIGHT way to chop an onion: Why this simple yet ‘life-saving’ trick for saying the veggie super fine has taken the internet by storm

  • A Melbourne nutritionist has shared a handy hack for finely saying an onion
  • Melanie Lionello demonstrated the trick in a video that amassed 11million views
  • She said the hack is ‘life-changing’ and won’t make your eyes water
  • Melanie makes slices from the root to the stem all the way around the onion
  • She then turns the onion on the side and makes a series of thin vertical cuts

A foodie has shared her simple, fuss-free hack for saying an onion in under 30 seconds.

Cookbook author and nutritionist Melanie Lionello demonstrated the ‘literally life-changing’ trick she said will ‘save so many tears’ in a now-viral clip.

The Melbourne cook, who heads From My Little Kitchen, chopped the stem off a whole onion and placed in on a chopping board with the root facing upwards.

Scroll down for video

Melbourne foodie and nutritionist Melanie Lionello has gone mega viral with her simple way to chop and onion in under 30 seconds that won't make your eyes water

Melbourne foodie and nutritionist Melanie Lionello has gone mega viral with her simple way to chop and onion in under 30 seconds that won’t make your eyes water

After taking the onion skin off, she makes multiple slices the whole way around the onion from the root to the stem with each cut meeting in the centre.

Melanie then turns the onion on its side and makes a series of thin vertical cuts starting at the stem and making her way up to the root.

She was left with finely diced pieces of onion perfect for cooking and dry eyes.

‘I was today years-old when I learned that I could say an onion like this. Please tell me that I’m not the only one,’ she said in an Instagram video.

The cookbook author chopped the stem off a whole onion, placed in on a chopping board with the root facing upwards and made multiple slices the whole way around the vegetable

The cookbook author chopped the stem off a whole onion, placed in on a chopping board with the root facing upwards and made multiple slices the whole way around the vegetable

Melanie then turns the onion on its side and makes a series of thin vertical cuts starting at the stem and making her way up to the root

Melanie then turns the onion on its side and makes a series of thin vertical cuts starting at the stem and making her way up to the root

The video has racked up more than 11.4 million views on the platform as well as hundreds of thankful comments.

‘THIS IS A GAME CHANGER,’ one viewer exclaimed.

‘Wow I’m trying this, never cut an onion like this but it looks so easy!’ wrote another.

‘I like chopping onions like this. It saves my eyes from tearing up,’ said a third.

‘Cut it in half first so you have it firmly on a flat surface will make it safer to do, you may cut yourself doing it whole,’ a fourth recommended.

Why do onions make you cry?

Onions contain a chemical compound and an enzyme that mix to release an irritating gas when the onion is cut.

This helps keep the bulb from getting eaten by animals as it grows in the ground.

Onions make your eyes burn for the same reason they make you cry: thanks to the combination of that chemical compound and the enzyme that synthesize when an onion is cut.

This creates syn-propanethial-S-oxide, a volatile gas that makes your eyes burn and fill with tears.

Here’s how the process works:

  1. The onion contains both the chemical precursor to the gas and an activating enzyme that floats in onion cells in little walled-off areas (vacuoles).
  2. An onion gets sliced, diced or bitten into.
  3. The precursor and enzyme mix, creating an unstable chemical irritant.
  4. At room temperature, this irritant quickly becomes a gas that spreads through the air.
  5. The gas triggers pain receptors in the eyes and nose designed to protect you from chemicals, smoke and other dangers.
  6. The tear glands (lacrimal glands) in the eyes then make tears to wash away the irritant.





Job applicant responds to rejection letter with a hilarious meme – and ends up scoring an INTERVIEW

‘Y tho’: Job applicant responds to a rejection letter with a hilarious meme – and ends up scoring an INTERVIEW with the company

  • TikTok user @swedishswan shared her story in a now-viral video, saying she had woken up to ‘another rejection letter’ from a job she had applied for
  • She explained that she really wanted the job, and with nothing less to lose, she replied to the email with a meme
  • The meme in question is a painting of Pope Leo X by Fernando Botero that has the phrase ‘y tho’ written underneath his face
  • Much to her surprise, the move ended up reinvigorating the company’s interest in her, and she got a follow-up email asking for an interview

A job applicant who had nothing else to lose responded to a rejection letter with a hilarious meme — and ended up scoring an interview with the company.

TikTok user @swedishswan shared her story in a now-viral video, explaining that she had woken up to ‘another rejection letter’ from a job that she had applied for.

‘I really kind of wanted this job, so I took a lesson from Gen Z, and I sent them back this,’ she said, sharing a picture of the meme she responded with.

The meme in question is a painting of Pope Leo X by Fernando Botero that has the phrase ‘y tho’ written underneath his face.

TikTok user @swedishswan revealed in a now viral-video that she ended up scoring a job interview after replying to a rejection letter with a meme

TikTok user @swedishswan revealed in a now viral-video that she ended up scoring a job interview after replying to a rejection letter with a meme

The meme in question is a painting of Pope Leo X by Fernando Botero that has the phrase 'y tho' written underneath his face

The meme in question is a painting of Pope Leo X by Fernando Botero that has the phrase ‘y tho’ written underneath his face

Much to her surprise, the move ended up reinvigorating the company’s interest in her as a job applicant.

‘They sent me another email saying they do, in fact, now want to interview me,’ she said. ‘I can’t believe that worked.’

The video has been viewed more than five million times and has received thousands of comments from delighted viewers.

‘These are the stories that keep me going in life,’ one person wrote, while another added: ‘As a recruiter, if someone felt that to me, I would ABSOLUTELY want an interview.’

‘Responding to a rejection email was literally how I got my job now,’ someone else commented. ‘I kept thinking: what are they gonna do, NOT hire me MORE?’

'I really kind of wanted this job, so I took a lesson from Gen Z,' she said, adding: 'I can't believe that worked'

'I really kind of wanted this job, so I took a lesson from Gen Z,' she said, adding: 'I can't believe that worked'

‘I really kind of wanted this job, so I took a lesson from Gen Z,’ she said, adding: ‘I can’t believe that worked’

The TikTok user was likely inspired by Samantha Jane's viral video in which she recounted how her job recruiter sister Hannah received the same meme after sending a rejection email

The TikTok user was likely inspired by Samantha Jane’s viral video in which she recounted how her job recruiter sister Hannah received the same meme after sending a rejection email

TikTok user @swedishswan never shared where she got the idea from, but she was likely inspired by another viral video that took the internet by storm earlier this year.

Samantha Jane, who is known as @samantha_jane on the platform, revealed in March that her sister Hannah, a job recruiter, received the same meme in response to a rejection email.

The bold move didn’t work in this case, but plenty of people thought it was amusing, including Samantha.

The TikTok user has since made her account private, but she described the response being ‘the most Gen Z thing’ she has ever seen, according to The Independent.

‘No context, no other text, just the meme. I love it so much,’ she added.




Kmart shopper slammed after making a ‘dangerous’ hanging pendant

Kmart shopper’s ‘mega fail’ hack is blasted by THOUSANDS as ‘disgusting, dangerous and ’embarrassing’ – so do you agree?

  • A Kmart shopper decided to make her own hanging pendant using raffia palm
  • The woman was proud of her DIY and shared images online
  • But others were quick to notice a fatal flaw and issued a dire warning
  • Many said the pendant is a ‘dangerous hazard’ as it could catch on fire

A Kmart shopper has been issued a dire warning after making her own seagrass pendant made from raffia palm.

Sharing images to a popular Australian Facebook group, the woman was proud of her creative efforts but was slammed by others who deemed the DIY to be a ‘fire hazard’.

Some blatantly labeled the home project as ‘disgusting’, ‘dangerous’ and an ultimate ‘fail’.

A woman has been slammed on social media after sharing images of a seagrass pendant made from raffia palm (pictured)

A woman has been slammed on social media after sharing images of a seagrass pendant made from raffia palm (pictured)

Sharing images to a popular Facebook group, the Aussie woman was proud of her creative efforts but was slammed by others who deemed the DIY to be a 'fire hazard'

Sharing images to a popular Facebook group, the Aussie woman was proud of her creative efforts but was slammed by others who deemed the DIY to be a ‘fire hazard’

In the comments the woman was warned of the potential risk as the heat from the bulb could catch on fire and many urged her to take it down immediately

In the comments the woman was warned of the potential risk as the heat from the bulb could catch on fire and many urged her to take it down immediately

Alongside the photos the woman wrote: ‘I’ve always wanted a seagrass pendant light but without the price tag, so I thought I’d give it a shot to make one.’

She used a $32 pendant light from Kmart, $3 raffia and a hot glue gun to create the piece and deleted the social media post after realizing the idea was dangerous.

In the comments the woman was warned of the potential risk as the heat from the lightbulb could catch on fire and many urged her to take it down immediately.

Many online were quick to issue a stern warning that the DIY pendant is a fire hazard

Many online were quick to issue a stern warning that the DIY pendant is a fire hazard

The woman made the pendant for $60 to save money

The woman made the pendant for $60 to save money

Another woman who lost 'everything' in the Lismore floods earlier this year also commented

Another woman who lost ‘everything’ in the Lismore floods earlier this year also commented

‘Please be aware that this can catch fire because it’s not designed to be used in that way. Would hate for something bad to happen,’ one person wrote.

‘Oh no!! I’m dangerous. I’d be taking it down as lovely as it is. The light bulb could get far too hot and up in flame’s the raffia will go,’ another said.

A third added: ‘Please take these lights down. I lost my home and everything in it in the Lismore floods, trust me you don’t want to lose your home and everything you own to a fire.’

Others also mocked the woman’s design and described it as ‘ugly’.

‘It looks like my damaged hair after I bleached it for the fifth time,’ one person wrote, another added: ‘Spiders, that’s all I have to say.’

‘Awe man, I thought it was two minute noodles for a moment there,’ another said.

The most common fire hazards include smoking, cooking, electrical cables and improper handling of storage.




Mum is stumped by a bizarre object found in rental property

Mum is stumped by a bizarre object found in her rental property – so do YOU ​​know what it is?

  • A woman sought advice online after finding odd objects in her rental property
  • Ruth shared images of two house-shaped items stuck to the wall
  • At first many thought the product was a broom, mop or dog lead holder
  • But others said the unusual item was instead a key holder missing a few pieces

A woman has been left scratching her head after finding two house-shaped objects stuck to a wall in her new rental.

Seeking advice Ruth shared a series of images to a popular Australian Facebook group – but others were just as confused.

‘I just moved into a new house. The previous owners were VERY organized (far more so than me!) They had places and systems and nooks for everything,’ she wrote.

‘We can’t work out what some of the things they installed are for.’

Seeking advice, Ruth shared images to a popular Australian Facebook group after she was left scratching her head over two house-shaped objects stuck to a wall in her new rental (pictured).  Many were quick to guess if the item was a broom and umbrella holder or dog lead holder, but both were incorrect

Seeking advice, Ruth shared images to a popular Australian Facebook group after she was left scratching her head over two house-shaped objects stuck to a wall in her new rental (pictured). Many were quick to guess if the item was a broom and umbrella holder or dog lead holder, but both were incorrect

Ruth said the identical objects looked like ‘little plastic house-shaped’ items placed on the side of the fridge wall.

In the comments many were quick to guess if the item was a broom and umbrella holder or dog lead holder, but both were incorrect.

After some investigation, another person said the products are key holders that once featured two birds perched inside the tiny houses.

After some investigation, another person said the products are key holders that once featured two birds perched inside the tiny houses (pictured)

After some investigation, another person said the products are key holders that once featured two birds perched inside the tiny houses (pictured)

Once the purpose was discovered, others asked why the previous tenants only took the bird key holders and not the entire wall device.

Ruth added: ‘There aren’t any birds among the keys they left behind.’

In the kitchen she was also stumped by a strange device stuck underneath one of the cabinets.

Ruth described it as a ‘green flat thing with possibly some kind of blade or metal on one side’.

In the kitchen Ruth was also stumped by a strange device stuck underneath one of the cabinets (pictured).  She described it as a 'green flat thing with possibly some kind of blade or metal on one side'

In the kitchen Ruth was also stumped by a strange device stuck underneath one of the cabinets (pictured). She described it as a ‘green flat thing with possibly some kind of blade or metal on one side’

Unlike the key holder, many knew the product was a jar or lid opener

Unlike the key holder, many knew the product was a jar or lid opener

Unlike the key holder, many knew exactly what the object was and the purpose it served.

Others online informed Ruth the product is a jar or can lid opener, and similar items can be purchased online today.

‘Thank you!!! Now I just have to figure out how it works,’ Ruth wrote.

Earlier this month bargain hunters were baffled by a bizarre metal gadget that ‘looks like an old-fashioned torture device’ that was spotted in a Sydney Op Shop.

Earlier this month bargain hunters were baffled by a bizarre metal gadget that 'looks like an old-fashioned torture device' that was spotted in a Sydney Op Shop

Amy, from Manly, posted a picture of the metal ornament to Facebook - asking if anyone knows what it is.

Earlier this month bargain hunters were baffled by a bizarre metal gadget that ‘looks like an old-fashioned torture device’ that was spotted in a Sydney Op Shop. Amy, from Manly, posted a picture of the metal ornament to Facebook – asking if anyone knows what it is.

Shopper Amy, from Manly, posted a picture of the metal ornament to Facebook – asking if anyone knows what it is.

She showed a clip of device – which has scissor-like handles – moving and showing a serrated edge.

‘I saw this in the op shop today and am trying to work out what it’s for because it looks like a torture device hahaha. Anyone know?’ she wrote to Facebook group I Love To Op Shop.

Dozens of people were quick to comment, suggesting it could be a cigar cutter with others suggesting it could be a more risky device like a sex toy.

However, others rightly revealed it was an egg cutter, which is used to chop the top off from hard boiled eggs.

