You can never have enough power Rangers toys, Hasbro argues, mostly because it owns power Rangers. But that’s especially true of mighty morphin‘, the franchise progenitor that, no matter how many iterations of teenagers with attitude there are, it’ll seemingly never escape. So why not add another to your collection?
Ahead of Power Week later this month — Hasbro’s week-long celebration of all things power Rangers toys and news — Gizmodo has your first look at two of the latest figures joining the six-inch-scaled Lightning Collection toyline. First up from Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers is the latest version of the Black Ranger to join the toyline — one of many between various versions of the hero that have previously included the standard version as original ranger Zack, one with the Dragon Shield, and a sparkly “metallic” version for good measure . So why do you need one more? Well, this Black Ranger includes the second wielder of the title, Johnny Yong Bosch’s Adam Park, as an alternate headsculpt.

Adam did recently appear in the Lightning Collection, but in his robed gear as the Black Ninja Ranger, from when the team gained their new powers and Zords. As well as the alternate Adam headsculpt, the new Mighty Morphin’ Black Ranger includes alternate hands, an open and closed version of the Blade Blaster, and, in a deep cut, an ice extinguisher Adam used to put out Saliguana’s fire breath in the episode “Putty on the Brain.”
away from the world of MMPR es Lost Galaxy‘s Green Ranger, Damon Henderson, who is making his debut in the Lighting Collection. Damon comes with a helmeted and unhelmeted headsculpt, alternate hands, two versions of the Quasar Saber, and his green transdagger.

Both the MMPR Black Ranger and Lost Galaxy Green Ranger will cost $US25 ($35), and are set to be available later this year — and are available for pre-order now from both Hasbro Pulse as well as Amazon. Meanwhile, in more power Rangers toy news, Power Week will run from August 22 until power Rangers Day itself on August 28.
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Editor’s Note: Release dates within this article are based in the US, but will be updated with local Australian dates as soon as we know more.