mark dreyfus – Michmutters

Mother says 13yo under care of child protection ‘sexually abused by paedophiles and addicted to ice’

A Queensland mother has described the “soul-destroying” ordeal of her teenage daughter being sexually abused by paedophiles and becoming addicted to ice while she was under the care of the Department of Child Safety, saying every day was “just waiting for her to die “.

Warning: This story contains details some readers may find distressing.

Three years ago, Helena* was in fear of her life and felt she had no choice but to contact the department.

Her 13-year-old daughter Xanthe* was becoming increasingly violent, hitting her, smashing holes in walls, and ripping doors off their hinges.

“She threw something at me and it split my leg open,” Helena said.

“I realized one of us was going to die.

“I was scared she was going to kill me. Not on purpose, she’s not vindictive or anything like that, it was more that she was so out of control that I was scared she was going to kill me by accident and that she was going to have to live with that.

“That was my biggest fear.”

Helena desperately sought counseling and mental health support for her daughter, but with a limited number of professionals in the regional part of Queensland where she lives, it was around five months before she could get an appointment.

Her daughter was later diagnosed with conduct disorder with traits of borderline personality disorder.

But by this time, Helena had already made the heartbreaking decision to relinquish care.

But worse was to come.

A graphic shows a rope fraying and a woman covering her face with her arm.
Helena relinquished care after facing increasing violence from her daughter.(ABC News: Paul Yeomans)

Men ‘injected her with meth’

Helena said Xanthe has made a number of disclosures to her and her carers about what has transpired during her time in out-of-home care.

She said she learned that a youth worker dropped her daughter at a 16-year-old boy’s house for a “sleepover” four days after she went into care.

She said her daughter was allowed to do whatever she wanted, including being driven by youth workers to buy marijuana every Friday, “then they would come back to resi (residential care) and smoke that until it was gone.”

Helena said her daughter was later moved to another care placement against her wishes and preyed upon for sex by some older men in the area with a criminal history.

A woman sits with her head in her hands, lit by an open door in the background.
Helena said Xanthe would constantly go missing and that “she was with the paedophiles.”(ABC News: Paul Yeomans)

“They injected her with meth (methamphetamines) in the neck and she has been addicted to it since,” she said.

“There were people taking videos of her… while she was flipping out.”

Helena made numerous complaints to the department and asked for her daughter to be moved.

“When her drug addiction started, the department refused to accept that it was happening,” she said.

“They believed [she] was making it up.”

She said her daughter would constantly go missing — “she was with the paedophiles.”

But she said the police could not charge anyone unless her daughter was prepared to make a statement.

“Xanthe constantly stated she didn’t feel safe to press charges until she was moved away from the area.”

Mother constantly feared the worst

Helena said at the age of 14, her daughter was used for sex by a man in his 40s who also had a criminal history.

“That’s when she started getting really sick,” she said.



Voluntary assisted dying’s ‘prohibitive’ communication laws face GP legal challenge

A Melbourne GP is taking legal action against the federal Attorney-General to fight what he calls an “extraordinarily prohibitive” law that prevents doctors from communicating via modern technology with terminally ill patients about assisted dying.

Dying with Dignity Victoria board member Nick Carr said he had pursued legal action in the Federal Court to clarify the definition of suicide in the Commonwealth Criminal Code 1995.

Under the code, it is illegal for a person to discuss suicide through a carriage service, which includes phones, text messages, emails and telehealth services.

Dr Carr said he filed the affidavit after federal Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus did not respond to a letter warning legal action would be taken if the code was not clarified.

He also said former Attorney-General Michaelia Cash wrote to him in February saying she would not change the code.

Big ends for breaking the law

To be approved for Victoria’s assisted dying scheme, two doctors need to verify a patient has less than six months to live for a physical illness and 12 months for a neurological condition.

But breaking the communication laws can result in ends of up to $222,000 for individuals or $1,110,000 for businesses.
