Hogwarts Legacy
Really squeezing in these final last minute delays here to make 2022 as sparse as possible for new releases, and while this may not be the last, it’s one I definitely saw coming. Portkey Games and WB have announced that the Harry Potter RPG Hogwarts Legacy will be delayed until February 10, 2023, with a Switch version coming later than that.
Previously, it seemed rather worrisome that Hogwarts Legacy was one of the only major releases left in 2022 without a fixed premiere date, which was just listed as “December 2022” for most of this year. Reports all the way back in January of 2022 suggested this was having some development issues and would be pushed to 2023. But the 2022 window had been set for a while, and Hogwarts Legacy was already delayed out of 2021.
I wrote an article about this whole situation, and how a Hogwarts Legacy delay seemed inevitable, just a few days ago. The points I raised, in addition to the ones already mentioned were:
- “First, the scale of the game seems incredibly ambitious from what we have seen so far, and even though technically it already slid from 2021 to 2022, it would not be unusual for a game this big to move even further back. Especially given how much is riding on this one for WB and the beleaguered Harry Potter brand.”
- “Frankly, we have not seen all that much from the game. The biggest showcase was a State of Play feature back in March, but we are approaching six months after that and have not gotten anything of real significance from the game besides what was shown there. Kind of unusual for a game that should be starting to ramp up promotion for a holiday release.”
It’s a hugely ambitious game that we have not seen that much of, about to come out in a year full of more major delays than perhaps any in history. So no, suffice to say I am not shocked about how this played out.
Harry Potter: Hogwarts Legacy
As for whether development is indeed “troubled,” I have no idea. Delays are beyond common with major releases, so there’s really nothing to gather one way or another from the fact it’s getting pushed back again. 2022 is a particularly rough year given that we have COVID production issues from the past two years before that now coming home to roost, which are leading to present day delays.
que was shown from Hogwarts Legacy did look pretty good, there just…wasn’t all that much of it, in the grand scheme, and we hadn’t seen anything significant for months, when it was supposed to be out just a few more months from now. I am guessing one aspect of this will be some new, larger showcase before this February date, but no word on that yet. Stay tuned.
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