approved script – Michmutters

Dolph Lundgren responds to Sylvester Stallone’s criticism of the potential Rocky spin-off

Dolph Lundgren has responded after Sylvester Stallone criticized him for attaching himself to the potential Rocky spin-off, Drago.

Lundgren took to Instagram to clarify details of the spin-off after being called out. He revealed there is not an “approved script” for the project, or a director, Fox News reports.

“Just to set the record straight regarding a possible Drago spin-off,” Lundgren captioned a photo of himself and Stallone on Instagram. “There’s no approved script, no deals in place, no director and I was personally under the impression that my friend Sly Stallone was involved as a producer or even as an actor.

“There was a press leak last week which was unfortunate. In touch with Mr Balboa – just so all the fans can relax… There ya go.”

Yesterday, Stallone criticized Irwin Winkler and his sons, Charles and David, for “picking clean the bones” of the Rocky character Drago for the potential series.

“ONCE AGAIN, IRWIN WINKLER, this PATHETIC 94-year-old PRODUCER and HIS MORONIC VULTURE CHILDREN, Charles and David, are once again picking clean THE BONES of another wonderful character I created without even telling me,” he wrote on Instagram.

“I APOLOGISE to the FANS, I never wanted ROCKY characters to be exploited by these parasites,” Stallone added, before making a jab at Lundgren.

“By the way, I once had nothing but respect for Dolph but he NEVER told me about what was going on behind my back with the character I created for him! REAL FRIENDS are more precious than gold.”

Stallone has yet to respond to Lundgren’s recent reply.

Lundgren previously spoke about a possible spin-off to The Hollywood Reporter in 2021.

“By the way, I think there’s some talk about doing a whole spin-off on Drago with MGM. So you may get more of that,” Lundgren told the outlet at the time.

Stallone has also criticized Rocky franchise producer Winkler for keeping revenue generated by the spin-off films from him.

This article originally appeared in Fox News and was reproduced with permission
