
Herschel Walker’s ex-wife recalls death threats in campaign ad released by Georgia Senate race opponents

Herschel Walker’s ex-wife relates how the former grid star put a gun to her head and threatened to kill her in a brutal new attack ad in the Georgia Senate race.

“He held the gun to my temple and said he was gonna blow my brains out,” Cindy DeAngelis Grossman says in the hard-hitting spot.

Grossman, who was married to Walker for 20 years, said her then-husband’s eyes “would become very evil” when he got angry.

“The guns and knives, I got into a few choking things with him,” she recalls.

Walker has previously acknowledged the accusations and has said he suffered from mental illness although he claims he can’t recall threatening to kill Grossman.

Walker is waging an even campaign to unseat Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-Ga.) in one of the marquee battles of the midterm congressional elections.

The onetime University of Georgia football star played professionally for both the New York Giants and the New Jersey Generals of the upstart USFL, a team that was owned by former President Donald Trump.

Buoyed by Trump’s endorsement, Walker cruised to an easy win in the GOP primary.

But the first-time candidate has struggled in the general election fight, with Warnock holding a modest but steady lead in polls.

Walker was forced to acknowledge fathering three children out of wedlock that he has never spoken of before and has no contact with, a damaging admission for a candidate who often speaks of family values ​​and the importance of fathers taking responsibility for their children.

He also once falsely suggested he was a federal law enforcement agent.

The new ad, which was produced by a group called the Republican Accountability Project, plays on his football fame.

It kicks off with a clip of Walker slicing through defenders as an announcer excitedly proclaims: “Touchdown, Georgia!”

“Do you think you know Herschel Walker? Well, think again,” the narrator intones.

The camera then cuts to Grossman’s shocking claims about her ex-husband.

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